Theological Education

Nov 2024

These prayer items are from our Nov 2024 newsletter, which is about our October trip. Go there for context and more details.

GIVE THANKS that while in Japan and Thailand in Oct, Dale & Ann were able to connect, encourage, and lead both TMC and the Asia ministries of ServeBeyond.
GIVE THANKS that Dale was able to teach the second segment of his modular theology class at Japan Bible Seminary while in Tokyo in Oct.
-GIVE THANKS for TMC’s ongoing encouraging connection with Musashino Chapel Center.
-GIVE THANKS that David & Lina have a new house. Under a Memorandum of Understanding between SIM and ServeBeyond, they are now global workers with ServeBeyond. PRAY for the continuing growth of their disciple making ministries and an increase in their financial support base. To donate to their Ministry Expansion Fund insert #2-2377 here.
-GIVE THANKS that Matthew & Ai Hua will be coming to TMC. PRAY that they will be accepted by a mission agency in Malaysia. PRAY that they will be able to raise funds in various countries. And PRAY that we will be able to develop a Memorandum of Understanding with ServeBeyond for them if required.
GIVE THANKS for the encouraging ServeBeyond Asia retreat in Oct.
GIVE THANKS for our faithful support team of churches and individuals. PRAY that our ministry budget will once again be fully met this year.

Oct 2024

October is a busy month of Asia travel and ministry. Please pray for strength and joy during this trip as we do practical leadership at Tokyo Multicultural Church and encourage ServeBeyond’s Asia workers. See the October 2024 posts under “News and Thoughts” for updates.
  • Joint TMC and MCC Retreat. On the long weekend of Oct 12-14 TMC and Musashino Chapel Center will hold a joint retreat near Mt. Fuji. MCC is the mother church of TMC. We ourselves will participate Sunday evening and Monday morning.
  • New House for David & Lina. We will be visiting David & Lina, TMC Chinese ministries pastoral couple, at their new house. They have been living in temporary housing since their fall 2023 arrival in Tokyo.
  • Asia ServeBeyond Retreat. On the long weekend of Oct 18-21 we will be leading a ServeBeyond Asia retreat in Krabi Thailand for networking, encouraging and onboarding.
  • TMC Worship Services. We will be at TMC worship services on Oct 13 and 27.
  • Decision About Inviting a TMC English Ministries Pastoral Couple. On Oct 27 TMC members will decide whether to invite Matthew & Ai Hua at a Members’ Meeting led by Dale. They are from Malaysia and are native English speakers but also speak Chinese. They both have MDiv degrees from Malaysia and Matthew also has a DMin. They have been pastoring a Chinese church north of Tokyo for five years and are looking for an English based ministry.
  • Seminary Teaching. Dale will teach the last half of his modular Contemporary Theology seminary class in Japanese Oct 26, 29, and 30. This is his 22nd year of teaching part-time at Japan Bible Seminary.
  • One on one visits. We will be meeting individually with TMC leaders, members and attenders at various places in Tokyo.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #189

Sep - Oct 2023

PRAISE GOD that Japan Immigration granted religious activities visas to David & Lina and their two children. They arrived in Tokyo via Hong Kong in late Sep to begin their full-time Chinese ministries at Tokyo Multicultural Church. PRAY that they will soon find housing; that they will adjust well to life and ministry in Tokyo; and that their two children will learn to love living in Tokyo.

We are based in Japan Sep 23 - Oct 21.
  • PRAY for us to be of encouragement to ServeBeyond global workers in Chiang Mai and partners in Singapore during our Sep 29 - Oct 6 visits.
  • PRAY for wisdom and strength as we lead in-person at TMC Oct 7-18.
  • PRAY that we will be able to provide David & Lina with helpful orientation and encouragement Oct 8, 17.
  • PRAY for good seminary teaching days for Dale Oct 14, 19, 20 at Japan Bible Seminary. These are the last of his six modular classes for this semester (Apr - Oct).
GIVE THANKS that we have been able to visit 4 of our 11 supporting churches in the US and have arranged 2 more visits. PRAY that we will be able to visit the remaining 5 over the next 3-4 months, and then begin visiting our 11 supporting churches in Canada.

As of January 2023 Dale & Ann are based at their house in Maine for 8-9 months/year and at their house in Japan for 3-4 months/year. They travel from Maine to Japan three times a year for 4-6 weeks at a time to carry out their ministries in Tokyo and Asia. The rest of the year they do so remotely.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #181

June 2023

Since the beginning of this year we have been carrying out our ministry both remotely from Maine USA and in-person in Asia. We are taking 2-3 annual trips of 4-6 weeks each to Japan and other countries in Asia so we can be in-person at TMC, so Dale can teach modular seminary classes in Tokyo, and so we can visit ServeBeyond Asia projects and personnel. Our second such trip this year is to Japan for the entire month of June.

For this month we are commuting every weekend from our vacation house in northern Japan to Tokyo in order to coach and guide TMC.
  • PRAY for Ann & Dale as they meet one-on-one with individuals at TMC each weekend in June. Some just need a listening ear. Others value ongoing direction and encouragement in the Lord.
  • PRAY that the children’s ministry team Ann has recruited and now resources will work well together and continue finding ways to creatively teach the Bible to TMC’s small number of children.
  • PRAY for Japanese ministries part-time pastor, Moto, as he applies for doctoral studies in Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
  • PRAY for new part-time English ministries associate pastoral couple, Bob & Keiko, as they continue to come aboard TMC. GIVE THANKS that the Lord has given them a new place to stay (rent-free!) and a new job for Bob. PRAY that Bob will be able to resume his online studies at South African Theological Seminary.
  • PRAY for part-time Chinese ministries associate pastor, Kevin, as he continues his masters studies online at China Evangelical Seminary North America (Los Angeles).
  • PRAY that Japan Immigration will soon grant visas for David & Lina to come as full-time Chinese ministries pastoral couple.
  • PRAY for one key lay couple that are considering reducing their involvement at TMC and perhaps even changing churches. This is difficult for all of us at TMC. PRAY for wisdom for Dale and the Leadership Team.
Dale teaches the first part of his modular class on Contemporary Theology this year on June 24, 26, and 27. He has been doing this for over 20 years and enjoys it. But he still sometimes finds it a challenge to teach theology in Japanese.
  • So PRAY that he will be able to communicate well.
  • And PRAY that in the next few years he might be able to publish a Japanese book on Contemporary Theology, based on his teaching, that might be of encouragement to Japanese theology students.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #179

February - March 2023

Our first of our three stints in Japan during 2023 was Feb 21 - Mar 10. We were scheduled to be there from Feb 14 but we both came down with covid about 10 days earlier so had to delay. We are grateful that with quick medical attention, quarantine, rest, and each having had 5 jabs we seemed to be mostly recovered in a few weeks.
We GIVE THANKS that...
  • One young lady from South Africa was baptized by Dale at TMC's mother church in Tokyo on Feb 26. During 2022 Ann & Dale had met with her by zoom 4-5 times for baptismal preparation. Her testimony of God’s faithfulness was not only encouraging to the approximately 15 people from TMC who were able to attend the Sunday afternoon celebration. It was also a wonderful opportunity to finally reconnect after covid restrictions with the 15-20 people from our mother church who were at the baptism. We are hopeful our two churches can join together once again starting this fall for events like annual retreats.
  • TMC members were able to make a difficult but important decision about reducing the budget until the church achieves more financial stability. Tokyo’s covid restrictions over the past few years have made it difficult for TMC to meet its budget. Dale led the Members’ Meeting on Mar 5 that came to this decision. It was also decided to combine our separate English and Japanese worship services into one joint service and to start using a new decision making structure.
  • Bob & Keiko are considering becoming TMC’s part-time, bi-vocational English ministries pastoral couple. We met with them again in Mar.
  • Ann was able to pass on several of her responsibilities to some of the young TMC women (children’s ministry, facility cleaning and decorating, weekly worship services line up).
Please PRAY that…
  • TMC attenders will continue to grow in their faith as has the young lady who was baptized in Feb.
  • TMC members will joyfully and faithfully give of their finances to meet the church budget.
  • That the Lord will guide TMC on Apr 23 as members vote about Bob & Keiko.
  • That the Lord will raise up more TMC people to carry on the weekly TMC responsibilities.
Dale read a paper on church planting theology during a Mar 20-22 conference on church planting in England at Cranmer Hall of Durham University. PRAY that this might become part of a future publication of help to pioneer church planters and students of church planting.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #177

January 2023

At the end of December we returned to Maine USA, then left for Michigan to be with our 3 children, their spouses, and our 3 grandchildren. Never enough time with grandkids! On Jan 10 we returned to Maine.

We have been almost as busy church planting in Tokyo from Maine as when we had our apartment in Tokyo! Between email, zoom, social media, etc., “remote work” really is work! We look forward to in-person ministry for about one month when we return to Japan on Feb 15.
  • Continue to PRAY that in our new hybrid way of leading TMC (both remotely and in-person) we will learn to encouragingly coach and guide the Leadership Team (Dale) and the Sunday School team (Ann).
  • GIVE THANKS for the restart of TMC’s twice a month Sunday School in Jan, and PRAY for Ann’s children’s ministry team.
  • PRAY that the Lord would guide Bob & Keiko (and TMC) in deciding whether to become our part-time, bi-vocational pastoral couple for English ministries.
  • PRAY that the Lord would speed David & Lina’s visa applications through the Japan Immigration process so they can become our full-time pastoral couple for Chinese ministries. They are coming through Singapore from a third country.
  • GIVE THANKS for Moto (Japanese ministries pastor), Kevin (Chinese ministries apprentice), and Jon & Laura Prins (ServeBeyond missionaries).
  • PRAY that TMC will become established with its own younger leadership, financial stability, and connection with the EFC of Japan.
  • PRAY for travel safety (and some enjoyment along the way) during our Feb-Mar trip to Japan. We will serve in Tokyo on weekends while living 4-6 hrs. north of Tokyo midweek.
  • PRAY that Dale will enjoy preparing and giving a paper on church planting theology in late March at "The Centre for Church Planting Theology and Research” in Durham UK at Cranmer Hall, Durham University.
  • PRAY that during Apr-May we will be able (finally!) to begin visiting our supporting US churches. A few visits have already been arranged.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #176

Dec 2021

This month’s prayer items are copied from our Dec/2021 - Jan/2022 newsletter—go there to see some pics and further info about the items below.
  • GIVE THANKS for TMC pastoral and lay leaders. PRAY for wisdom as we learn to lead by coaching.
  • GIVE THANKS for several new children at TMC. PRAY for Ann as she encourages others to teach the little ones.
  • GIVE THANKS that we are able to be with our children this Christmas season.
  • GIVE THANKS that the Lord has led the EFCCM to a new Director. PRAY for wisdom, joy, and strength for Ike.
  • PRAY that, Lord willing, we will be able to return to Tokyo in late January.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #166

Sep 2021

In late October we are scheduled to return to Tokyo after a few months based in Maine USA.
During 2020-2021 TMC has gathered mostly by zoom throughout four “states of emergency” in Tokyo, with the latest one lasting from April through September. GIVE THANKS that we have been able to develop a minimal on-line format for “doing TMC.” PRAY that as TMC begins to meet in-person once again starting October we will be able to facilitate the Lord’s work in new ways appropriate to our new Covid-aware reality.
TMC’s budget covers monthly facility rental and our Japanese pastor Moto’s salary. But weekly offerings over the past year have taken a hit because of our online-only format. So TMC has become more dependent than expected upon TMC’s church planting fund at EFCCM. PRAY that we will make good financial decisions so that TMC will be able to become self-supporting in the next year or so.
GIVE THANKS that God has called Lucas & Hannah to help pastor the English ministries at TMC. They are bi-vocational so are doing part-time ministry. PRAY that the Lord will lead us to another part-time pastoral couple who can join them to form an English ministries pastoral team at TMC.
GIVE THANKS for a young woman who is blossoming in the Lord and who we are preparing for baptism. PRAY for her continued spiritual growth and for the practical planning of her baptism later in the fall.
We have been hoping to pass the baton to the next generation of leaders at TMC sometime in 2022, while continuing a mentoring role with them from a distance. Lord willing, we would continue serving as EFCCM Ministry Coaches in Asia and Dale would continue teaching theology part-time in Tokyo in modular format. But the date for this kind of change has become a moving target, due to the need for TMC leaders, a decrease in TMC offerings, and Covid. PRAY for wisdom to discern God’s perfect timing for our transition out of TMC. We would like to leave only after TMC has good pastoral leadership and financial stability.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #164

Nov 23, 2020

NOTE: This post resumes these monthly prayer updates after a four month hiatus due to my health (Dale). This month’s prayer items are from our Nov 2020 newsletter.
  • GIVE THANKS for our new house in Cape Elizabeth, Maine—Ann’s hometown—where we have been since our home assignment began in mid-Jul (pic below).
  • PRAY that we still might be able to virtually visit a few of our eastern US supporting churches during this home assignment. COVID-19 and Dale’s health challenges have prevented us from physically visiting them. We hope to try again in a few years.
  • PRAY that we will be able to return to Tokyo in late Dec. or early Jan. While in the US for this fall home assignment we continue to rent our apartment in Tokyo.
  • GIVE THANKS for excellent health care in Maine for Dale, and PRAY for his full recovery from polymyalgia rheumatica (by Jun 2021?) and hip replacement surgery on Nov 3. In Feb. in Tokyo Dale was diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), an auto-immune disease. His chronic joint pain was not under control until the end of Aug., sometime after a specialist in Maine altered his medications. The same doctor referred him to another specialist who diagnosed advanced osteoarthritis in his right hip. So Dale had total hip replacement surgery on Nov. 3, including the removal of an unexpected golf ball sized bone spur from within the hip socket. Dale is recovering well and prognosis is good.
  • GIVE THANKS that Dale can remotely teach his Japanese seminary theology class while in the US. The semester ended late Oct and he is still grading student papers. Thankfully, Japan Bible Seminary is giving Dale extra time to complete his grading.
  • GIVE THANKS for all 6 of our children and one grandchild, and PRAY that we will always find ways to connect and encourage one another. Although we are all in the US, we have not seen any of them since last Christmas and may not see them this Christmas. But we have been enjoying weekly Friday Family Fun nights by Zoom since April.
  • PRAY that the resources Ann prepares and sends for her remote children’s ministry at TMC will be used by parents to teach their children about Jesus. Ann has been sending email links to a monthly LOOM video Bible lesson she makes for children (in Japanese and English) and sending crafts for each lesson by postal mail.
  • PRAY that Ann’s online women’s ministry at TMC will become an encouragement for all the ladies. Inspired by women’s ministry at the Mill Lake EFC in BC, Ann is beginning to use a variety of media to reach out to the thirty women connected to TMC.
  • PRAY that the Lord will meet the financial needs of TMC through the giving of believers who gather in Tokyo and through overseas donors who give toward the EFCCM Ministry Expansion Fund for TMC (#2-2302). US individual donors: go to “How to Give” here. TMC has been stretched since the onset of COVID to cover the financial costs of facility rental and TMC’s portion of our bi-vocational Japanese pastor’s salary (pic below). This fund has helped us launch and is now helping us establish TMC. The long term goal is for TMC to cover all its costs, both facility and personnel, but until then this fund is a great encouragement to TMC.
2019_01-2 Harada-2

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #156

May 27, 2019

NOTE: This month’s prayer items are copied from our May 2019 newsletter. Please go there to see pics and further info about the items below.


* PRAY that our TMC family events and Sunday school will reach many children with the wonderful story of Jesus.
* PRAY for our TMC summer outreach English classes:
- Adequate financial and prayer support for teachers.
- A good number of students, both children and adults.
- Planning and preparatory work, including finding the best way to advertise.
- That each student will have an opportunity to learn about Jesus.
* GIVE THANKS for Moto Harada joining our TMC staff. PRAY for a smooth transition as he moves toward leadership of TMC’s Japanese Department. Duane Dietze will be on home assignment for the last half of 2019 so Moto will be taking on plenty of responsibility early on.


* PRAY that our Asia Director travels to visit missionary colleagues in Asia will be a blessing and an encouragement.
* PRAY for Dale’s preparation and leadership of the first EFCCM Asia vision trip in October and that those who join him might consider becoming champions for making Christ known in Asia.


* PRAY for Dale’s preparation for teaching another semester of Contemporary Theology in Japanese at Japan Bible Seminary beginning June (not mentioned above). He has enjoyed this little exercise in theology since 2001.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #144

Nov 25, 2017


* GIVE THANKS for the opportunities Dale has for continuing to teach theology part time. This month Dale completed his 15th year of teaching Contemporary Theology in Japanese at Japan Bible Seminary (Tokyo).


* PRAISE GOD for opportunities to share about Christ at our ongoing English conversation classes at TMC.
* PRAY that the English students now attending TMC, along with a few other unbelievers, might come to faith in Christ.
* GIVE THANKS that TMC programs and personal relationships seem to be drawing more people. TMC encompasses both Japanese people and those who hold other passports. Of the thirty adults now attending TMC about a third are Japanese.
* PRAY that all who attend TMC will grow in their knowledge of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.
* PRAY that the Lord will supply future leaders for TMC. TMC’s most urgent need is for future missionary/pastoral leaders who will carry the TMC vision beyond 2020. This entails launching TMC#2.

2017_09_10-6 – v2

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #127
(NOTE: This month’s prayer items are mostly copied from our Nov 2017 newsletter.)

Aug 24, 2017


2017_08_04-4 MnV – 2
* GIVE THANKS that the Lord brought Matthew & Victoria together in marriage on Aug 4, 2017. Dale officiated at their wedding near Burlington, Vermont USA.
* PRAY that they will continue to honor God in seeking his will for their lives. Now that they have completed their honeymoon in Malta, they are setting up their first home in Manchester, New Hampshire, where Victoria works in retail clothing management and Matthew continues launching his entrepreneurial business endeavors.


* GIVE THANKS for the opportunity to once again share the gospel at our one week summer English conversation classes. The seven children with their moms and the six students in the adult classes all heard about Jesus Christ in Japanese each day.
* PRAY that the moms will want to send their children to Ann’s weekly moms and tots class in the fall where they will continue to learn English as well as Bible stories.
* PRAY that the two adult students who have been attending TMC on Sundays since the summer classes ended will continue to join us on Sundays and that they might come to faith in Christ.
* PRAY for wisdom and strength for Ann as she prepares to launch TMC’s bi-weekly Japanese Sunday school for young children in September.


* GIVE THANKS for the opportunity Dale had last fall to teach Church Planting Theology at ACTS Seminaries (BC Canada), live-streamed from Tokyo.
* PRAY that Dale’s Contemporary Theology class this semester (Apr–Oct) at Japan Bible Seminary will help his students critically read Christian theology so that they might be better prepared to keep their theological balance after entering the pastorate. This is Dale’s 15th year of teaching this course in Japanese.

(Discover more about each of these prayer items in our News updates.)
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #124

July 25, 2016



We are so pleased that Matthew (Little) became engaged to Victoria Azagoh in June! Victoria is from New England. In July after completing their studies at Biola University (greater Los Angeles), they moved to Burlington, Vermont where Victoria began a management job. Matthew continues much of his movie production and marketing work online (check out The Unknowns), but is also seeking local employment.

We look forward to a summer 2017 wedding! Pray that God will meet their needs as they seek together how to become God's blessing to the nations.


Give thanks that four adults from last summer's outreach English class program have signed up for our monthly "English Circle" we plan to launch this fall. Pray that more adults will sign up.

And pray that more children with their moms will come to our TMC fall kids outreach English classes with Alicia and Bible time with Ann.

Please pray that TMC will be further encouraged and established at our charter membership commitment service on Aug 28.

We continue to seek donations for two approved TMC Special Financial Projects. Please pray and give as the Lord leads! (More information here.)
  • TMC Tokyo Disaster Preparedness Project for equipping three places for three possible Tokyo area disasters: earthquake, flooding/tsunami, and Mt. Fuji eruption (CAN$6800).
  • TMC Used Minivan Purchase Project (CAN$7000).

In the fall Dale teaches Church Planting Theology at ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University (greater Vancouver), live-streamed from TMC. Please pray for his ongoing preparation.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #112

June 20, 2016



Our Kristy became Mrs. Matthew Fujiura on May 29 in California. It was a wonderful, friendly, God-centered, and beautiful outdoor wedding—but maybe we are a little biased! Their wedding perfectly reflected Kristy and Matthew, with family from both sides affirming that they were made for each other.

Pray that together they will be a blessing to the nations and that the Lord will graciously guide them as they explore options for their life and work together.


Pray that more children with their moms will come for TMC kids outreach English classes with Alicia and Bible time with Ann.

And pray that many of the 17 registered adults in last summer's TMC outreach English class program will come to a class reunion on July 15. We are asking the Lord to give us some good ideas for an ongoing adult evangelistic English program.


We continue to seek donations for two approved TMC Special Financial Projects. Please pray and give as the Lord leads! (More information here.)
  • TMC Tokyo Disaster Preparedness Project for preparing three places for three possible Tokyo area disasters: earthquake, flooding/tsunami, and Mt. Fuji eruption (CAN$6800).
  • TMC Used Minivan Purchase Project (CAN$7000).

In July Dale teaches a modular version of his Contemporary Theology class in Japanese at Japan Bible Seminary (Tokyo). And in the fall semester he teaches Church Planting Theology at ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University (Vancouver), live-streamed from TMC.

Pray for Dale's preparation for these classes, especially his new class at ACTS Seminaries.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #111

March 28, 2016


1. Two EFCCM personnel join Tokyo Multicultural Church missionary staff this spring. Alicia arrived in March from Ottawa and Jon Prins will arrive in April from Minneapolis.

Pray that Alicia who is new to Japan will adjust well to life in a different culture. Pray that she will have strength and joy teaching evangelistic English classes in three EFC churches, including TMC. Give thanks that the Lord has supplied her with a furnished apartment near TMC!

Pray that Jon who has served in Japan for many years will find joy in ministering as our TMC church planter specialist in cross-cultural issues. Pray that his visa will be finalized (after he arrives) and that he will find a good apartment.

2. During the past four months several of our key TMC people have moved. So Sunday giving has decreased in recent months. Due to the mobility of our people, we estimate that TMC will see a 20% turnover of people every year.

Pray that our monthly TMC facility costs will be fully met by our TMC church family. Pray that we will see some new “key people” at TMC.

3. Ann and Alicia begin teaching some new TMC evangelistic English classes for children in April, the start of a new academic year in Japan.

Pray that we will have a total of at least ten students in the new classes.

4. Dale teaches Church Planting Theology at ACTS Seminaries (Trinity Western University) in the fall. It will be live-streamed from TMC and can be taken from anywhere.

Pray for Dale's ongoing preparation for teaching this brand new class at ACTS and that an adequate number of students will register for the course.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #108

September 16, 2015



Kristy came to visit us for a few weeks in August with her California boyfriend, Matthew Fujiura. Matt proposed to her on our trip north to "Takayama by the Sea,” our vacation spot in Japan (and a very romantic spot for a proposal!) In October, Kristy settles into her one year post-doctoral placement at the counseling center of California State Polytechnic University in Pomona CA while her Matthew teaches special needs children in the California school system. We are anticipating something like a spring wedding in California!

Pray for the Lord’s blessing on Kristy and Matthew Fujiura’s engagement, the flurry of wedding planning, the wedding itself, and most importantly, their marriage.


Dale completed his 13th year of teaching "Contemporary Theology” in Japanese at Japan Bible Seminary in Tokyo this week. He now finalizes his preparation for teaching Church Planting Theology at ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University located in greater Vancouver BC. This new course will be
live streamed from Tokyo Multicultural Church. All requirements, including research, can be done online. See more here.

Pray that Dale’s part time theology teaching will continue to contribute to the development of church leaders for Japan, including for TMC.


We are looking forward to having Alicia Lim join us at TMC as our outreach English teacher for one year starting Mar or Apr 2016. She comes from Ottawa ON via the EFCCM. Ann’s weekly “Little Lambs English Circle” (moms & tots) and bi-weekly ladies outreach English class, as well as Duane’s weekly outreach English classes starting in Oct all provide a base for Alicia’s English teaching ministry at TMC.

Pray that Alicia will be able to raise all her required finances this fall and that we will be able to secure a “religious activities visa” for her to arrive in Tokyo by Mar 2016.


We will be in the US Oct 5 - Dec 10 for our next home assignment. Please pray that visits to our supporting churches will be fruitful and that the Lord will give us safety for our many miles of flying and driving.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #103

May 23, 2015



At the front end of our Apr 7 - Jun 3 home assignment in the US we visited our scattered children in California, Missouri, and Nebraska. And at the end we gathered with them all once again, this time to celebrate the graduation of Dr. Kristy, Psych.D., from Rosemead School of Psychology in greater Los Angeles.

During this home assignment we are visiting six churches on our ministry support team—in ME, VT, MA, NJ, and BC. We hope to visit at least that many more on our next home assignment Oct 5 - Dec 8. We are reporting on Tokyo Multicultural Church and sharing about Onagawa Megumi Project, a gospel centered tsunami recovery project with which we partner.

The “turtleback” Ann is modeling at the Portland Head Light in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, is made by the tsunami survivors employed at the Onagawa Megumi Project. You can order their creative products online at their website: megumiproject.net.

Give thanks for the 27 churches that make up our ministry support team, as well as individuals. The Lord has graciously provided us with 31 years of ministry in Japan through the faithful giving of his people. And most of our supporting churches only see us once every 5 years!

Give thanks that we have been able to enjoy our three children twice on this home assignment. What a treat!


During our home assignment Duane Dietze and Jon Prins have been leading TMC. GIVE THANKS for their ministry. Please PRAY that the Lord will raise up future leaders for TMC prepared by the Lord of the church to lead in a dynamic multicultural environment.


In June Dale begins his 14th year of teaching his one semester “Contemporary Theology” class at Japan Bible Seminary. PRAY for clarity as Dale teaches this class in Japanese and that his students will be encouraged to critically grasp the breadth of Christian theology around the world.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #99