Dec 2024
- GIVE THANKS for a wonderful Christmas break with our children and grandchildren! PRAY for their continuing growth in the Lord.
- GIVE THANKS for TMC’s Christmas outreach events. PRAY that those who are just beginning to be introduced to Christ and his love will respond in faith.
- GIVE THANKS that one man was baptized on Christmas Sunday at TMC! PRAY that his faith in Christ will continue to grow.
- PRAY that TMC’s offerings will increase.
- GIVE THANKS for TMC’s younger leaders: Kevin and David & Lina in Chinese ministries, and Bob and Matthew & Ai Hua (coming) in English ministries. PRAY for sending mission agency pathways to open for Kevin and Matthew & Ai Hua (probably Operation Mobilization). PRAY for more funding for David & Lina. And PRAY that the Lord will provide them all with opportunities for leadership development.
- GIVE THANKS for our faithful support team of churches (see a list here) and individuals. PRAY that we will have adequate financial income for travel and ministry in 2025.
Dec 2022
- GIVE THANKS for the 8 children and their parents who came to our TMC Family Christmas. PRAY that these children will join the Sunday school re-starting in Jan.
- GIVE THANKS for the one young couple the Lord seems to be bringing aboard TMC for English ministry. PRAY for wisdom as TMC decides over the next few months whether to invite them.
- PRAY that the young pastoral couple who resigned due to stress will find spiritual refreshment and encouragement, perhaps even back at TMC.
- PRAY that in our new way of leading TMC we will be able to effectively encourage and coach the Leadership Team (Dale) and the children’s ministry team (Ann) as the church continues to become established.
- GIVE THANKS that we were able to retain our sanity during our move!
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #175
Oct 2022

After postponing for two years due to covid, we were able to gather Oct. 10-14 in Pattaya Thailand for networking, encouragement, and relaxation at our first-ever Asia retreat for our mission agency. The majority of the eleven missionaries and mission leaders from Canada, Japan and Thailand who were able to attend (about half our number) had rarely, if ever, met in-person. We connected with God by learning about Jesus’ post-resurrection Great Commission teachings. And we connected with one another by sharing about our lives and ministries, and by praying for each other.
- GIVE THANKS for the good connections, discussions and fellowship at the retreat.
- PRAY that the connections made will continue and that our Asia region will be able to develop new ministries and recruit new personnel.
- PRAY for wisdom as we consider when and where to hold our next Asia retreat.
New and younger pastoral and lay leaders are emerging at TMC. But we need more.
- GIVE THANKS that David & Lina, missionary appointees with SIM Singapore, will be joining TMC staff as Chinese ministries pastoral couple.
- PRAY that we will be able to secure Japanese religious activities visas for them.
- PRAY that the Lord will supply another missionary couple or single (man or woman) to join our English ministries pastoral team.
In late Dec. we move from Tokyo to Maine USA but will still keep our legal residency status in Japan. Lord willing, beginning in 2023 we will take 2-3 annual trips of 1-2 months each to Japan and Asia so that we can be at TMC 6-8 Sundays a year, visit ServeBeyond missionaries and partners in Asia, and so that Dale can continue to teach his seminary classes in Tokyo. For the remainder of our time we will coach remotely and visit our support team churches first in the US and then in Canada. So we will continue to carry a full-time missionary budget. (More transition info here.)
- PRAY for wisdom, strength, sanity, and peace as we leave our Tokyo apartment that we have called home for the past 10 years. Decisions about what to ship, give away, or discard have become more difficult because shipping prices are 5-7 times higher than pre-covid.
- PRAY that as we transition out of TMC over the next couple years we will be able to encourage and coach the Leadership Team (Dale) and those serving in children’s ministry (Ann).
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #173
Aug-Sep 2022
- GIVE THANKS that David & Lina, missionary appointees with SIM Singapore, will be joining TMC staff as Chinese ministries pastoral couple alongside Kevin & Grace.
- PRAY that we will be able to secure Japanese visas for David & Lina, with SIM Singapore as sending agency and ReachGlobal/EFC Japan as receiving agency.
- PRAY that the Lord will supply another missionary couple or single (man or woman) to pastor TMC English ministries alongside Luke & Hannah who are part-time bi-vocational.
- PRAY for assurance of salvation for K-san and especially that he will learn to know the love of Jesus.
- PRAY that SW will learn to show his love for Jesus by obeying him when it is easier to follow the world’s ways.
- PRAY that the Lord will provide TMC’s newest member H-san with better employment and improved health, and GIVE THANKS that he is helping lead some worship services and a small group.
- GIVE THANKS for our one granddaughter (born Jul) and two grandsons (one born Mar) in Michigan and Missouri, and that we have been able to visit all our children and grandchildren this summer. Lord willing, we return to Tokyo on Sep 13-14.
- PRAY for our transition during the fall months as we move our primary residence from Tokyo to Maine at the end of the year. We will maintain a secondary residence in Japan to give us the freedom of re-entering Japan while covid border restrictions are in place, and we will continue to carry a full-time missionary budget. (More info here.)
- PRAY that Ann will be able to raise up a children’s ministry team at TMC that she can coach in-person and remotely.
- PRAY that Dale will be able to continue encouraging and coaching TMC leaders in-person and remotely.
- PRAY that the Lord will bless our first ServeBeyond Asia retreat in Thailand Oct 10-14. We have delayed it for 2 years due to covid.
- PRAY that we will be able to visit all our US supporting churches during the first half of 2023.
- PRAY that beginning in 2023 we will be able to take 2-3 annual trips of 1-2 months each to Japan and Asia so that we can be at TMC 6-8 Sundays a year, visit ServeBeyond missionaries and partners n Asia, and for Dale to teach his modular seminary classes in Tokyo.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #172
Jun 2022

Tokyo Multicultural Church is going through leadership transition as older missionaries begin to move into the background and as we seek new leaders.
- PRAY for TMC’s younger pastors/missionaries who are learning how to assume overall responsibility as well as take on specific ministry roles.
- PRAY that the Lord might lead an English ministries pastor/missionary couple to TMC who can join our current part-time bivocational English ministries pastoral couple.
- A Chinese ministries pastor/missionary couple is considering coming to TMC via Singapore. TMC’s Leadership Team and the attenders of TMC’s Chinese Fellowship have each met with them several times by zoom.
- GIVE THANKS that this couple amazingly heard about TMC’s need for a Chinese ministries leader through another mission agency in Japan.
- GIVE THANKS that the Lord seems to have been preparing them for Japan and a ministry like TMC for years.
- PRAY for wisdom for both TMC and this couple as we seek the Lord’s will.
- PRAY that if the Lord leads this couple to TMC, he will give us and their sending mission agency success in procuring their visas.
- GIVE THANKS for our second grandson born in March.
- PRAY for our daughter as she gives birth to our first granddaughter in mid-July, for a safe delivery and healthy baby.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #170
May 2022
GIVE THANKS that Jesus Christ is growing and building his church at TMC that we are planting and watering (Mt. 16:18, 1 Cor. 3:6-9).
- Worship service attendance and offerings are increasing. PRAY this might continue.
- Some parents with children are attending again and Ann teaches Bible to the children. PRAY that parents will be consistent.
- Some are considering baptism as next steps in following Christ. PRAY for those struggling with obedience to Christ.
- PRAY for our humility, gentleness, patience, and love as we maintain and model unity during leadership transitions (Eph. 4:2-3).
- GIVE THANKS for the pastoral couple pursuing the possibility of leading TMC’s Chinese language ministries. ASK the Lord to give them and TMC wisdom as we seek his will. Several positive interviews have taken place. Several more need to happen before they will be presented to TMC members who will decide whether to extend them an invitation.
- PRAY for another pastor/missionary or couple to join Luke & Hannah for English ministries.
- PRAY that the Lord might raise up someone to champion the children’s and ladies’ ministries that Ann has been leading.
PRAY that we will be able to hold our first EFCCM Asia retreat in Thailand in October. We have delayed it for 2 years due to covid.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #169
Mar-Apr 2022
Covid has negatively impacted TMC in several ways. One is a sense of fragmentation. Another is finances. So we are thankful Japan came out of its latest quasi state of emergency on Mar. 21. Covid numbers are still higher than the government desires but the number of hospitalizations has stabilized. This has meant TMC can loosen up some mitigation practices. Masks are still worn (as throughout much of Japan) and social distancing is more-or-less maintained. But we are now able to serve beverages for those who stay around after worship services.- PRAY that the love of Christ and one another will become the glue that brings us back together again.
- PRAY for the children who are especially vulnerable. Many connected with TMC have caught covid at school and passed it on to parents.
- GIVE THANKS that some new children are coming with their parents on Sundays and that we will be able to hold a few baby dedications soon.
- PRAY for those who are struggling with socially reconnecting in many settings, including TMC, and for those who have faced or are still facing financial difficulties because of covid.
- PRAY that the giving at TMC will increase to the point of not needing subsidy from the TMC church planting fund held at EFC of Canada Mission.
- PRAY that the Lord will provide a Chinese ministries pastoral couple to launch Chinese worship services and to contribute to overall church leadership.
Our family tribe is increasing!- GIVE THANKS that Bryan & Jessica welcomed their second boy (our second grandson), on Mar. 19 in Missouri. Jessica and baby are doing wonderfully, while big brother looks on. And we are enjoying plenty of pics!
- PRAY for Matt & Kristy who are expecting their first baby (our first granddaughter) in July in Michigan.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #168
Feb 2022
- GIVE THANKS that we were able to spend about a week post-Christmas with our children and that we will be welcoming our second and third grandchildren this year!
- PRAY for Tokyo Multicultural Church’s financial stability. With covid restrictions in 2020 and 2021 that curtailed in-person gatherings, TMC’s weekly offerings have taken a hit.
- GIVE THANKS for TMC’s full-time Japanese pastor. PRAY that the Lord will lead us to pastoral or missionary couples for both English and Chinese TMC ministries that are currently led by part-time personnel.
- GIVE THANKS for EFC of Canada Mission personnel in Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan that we have the privilege of coaching. PRAY for wisdom for those who for various reasons need to define and refine their overseas ministries in the midst of covid concerns and restrictions. PRAY that our EFCCM Asia retreat scheduled for Oct. 10-14 in Pattaya Thailand will be of encouragement to these missionaries and will not need to be postponed because of covid travel restrictions.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #167
Dec 2021
- GIVE THANKS for TMC pastoral and lay leaders. PRAY for wisdom as we learn to lead by coaching.
- GIVE THANKS for several new children at TMC. PRAY for Ann as she encourages others to teach the little ones.
- GIVE THANKS that we are able to be with our children this Christmas season.
- GIVE THANKS that the Lord has led the EFCCM to a new Director. PRAY for wisdom, joy, and strength for Ike.
- PRAY that, Lord willing, we will be able to return to Tokyo in late January.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #166
Nov 2021
- GIVE THANKS that the Japanese government has been able to end the state of emergency and lift restrictions, allowing us to resume in-person gatherings at TMC.
- PRAY that as new variants appear we will be Covid-wise at TMC, knowing when and how to resume activities.
- PRAY that the Lord will lead the EFCCM to just the right Director and Manager of Missionary Care.
- GIVE THANKS that we had the opportunity to be with all of our children for a short while this summer.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #165
Jul-Aug, 2021
- GIVE THANKS that Dale is making good progress in recovering from his auto-immune disease.
- GIVE THANKS that we have the opportunity to be with our children for a while this summer.
- PRAISE for Lucas & Hannah coming to TMC as our English language ministries’ pastoral couple. PRAY that the Lord will provide another couple to join them.
- PRAISE for the TMC Worship Team that has started up.
- PRAY that we will be able to carry on with our TMC ministries from a distance this summer.
- GIVE THANKS that TMC was able to begin in-person gatherings again on June 27 and PRAY for grace to revert to zoom if Tokyo declares another state of emergency.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #163
Dec 29, 2020
- GIVE THANKS for Dale’s continuing good recovery from polymyalgia rheumatica and hip replacement surgery.
- PRAY that we will indeed be able to return to Tokyo on Dec 27, with negative COVID tests in the US and Japan. [We did indeed return—see this post.]
- GIVE THANKS for all 6 of our children and one grandchild, and PRAY that we will continue to find ways to connect and encourage one another.
- GIVE THANKS for those who have donated to TMC’s church planting startup fund. PRAY that TMC will be able to meet all its financial costs in the next few years and that God will raise up donors in the meantime.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #157
Nov 23, 2020
- GIVE THANKS for our new house in Cape Elizabeth, Maine—Ann’s hometown—where we have been since our home assignment began in mid-Jul (pic below).
- PRAY that we still might be able to virtually visit a few of our eastern US supporting churches during this home assignment. COVID-19 and Dale’s health challenges have prevented us from physically visiting them. We hope to try again in a few years.
- PRAY that we will be able to return to Tokyo in late Dec. or early Jan. While in the US for this fall home assignment we continue to rent our apartment in Tokyo.
- GIVE THANKS for excellent health care in Maine for Dale, and PRAY for his full recovery from polymyalgia rheumatica (by Jun 2021?) and hip replacement surgery on Nov 3. In Feb. in Tokyo Dale was diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), an auto-immune disease. His chronic joint pain was not under control until the end of Aug., sometime after a specialist in Maine altered his medications. The same doctor referred him to another specialist who diagnosed advanced osteoarthritis in his right hip. So Dale had total hip replacement surgery on Nov. 3, including the removal of an unexpected golf ball sized bone spur from within the hip socket. Dale is recovering well and prognosis is good.
- GIVE THANKS that Dale can remotely teach his Japanese seminary theology class while in the US. The semester ended late Oct and he is still grading student papers. Thankfully, Japan Bible Seminary is giving Dale extra time to complete his grading.
- GIVE THANKS for all 6 of our children and one grandchild, and PRAY that we will always find ways to connect and encourage one another. Although we are all in the US, we have not seen any of them since last Christmas and may not see them this Christmas. But we have been enjoying weekly Friday Family Fun nights by Zoom since April.
- PRAY that the resources Ann prepares and sends for her remote children’s ministry at TMC will be used by parents to teach their children about Jesus. Ann has been sending email links to a monthly LOOM video Bible lesson she makes for children (in Japanese and English) and sending crafts for each lesson by postal mail.
- PRAY that Ann’s online women’s ministry at TMC will become an encouragement for all the ladies. Inspired by women’s ministry at the Mill Lake EFC in BC, Ann is beginning to use a variety of media to reach out to the thirty women connected to TMC.
- PRAY that the Lord will meet the financial needs of TMC through the giving of believers who gather in Tokyo and through overseas donors who give toward the EFCCM Ministry Expansion Fund for TMC (#2-2302). US individual donors: go to “How to Give” here. TMC has been stretched since the onset of COVID to cover the financial costs of facility rental and TMC’s portion of our bi-vocational Japanese pastor’s salary (pic below). This fund has helped us launch and is now helping us establish TMC. The long term goal is for TMC to cover all its costs, both facility and personnel, but until then this fund is a great encouragement to TMC.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #156
Apr 11, 2020
- GIVE THANKS for the excellent medical care Dale is receiving.
- PRAY that his joint and surrounding muscle pain will subside completely and that infection will not set in due to his weakened immune system.
- GIVE THANKS that the staff at TMC have been able to cover for Dale.
- GIVE THANKS that Ann has been able to encourage the ladies and children in her outreach ministries.
- PRAY that the Lord will use TMC to bring his blessing, encouragement, and peace to members and attenders in our new COVID-19 world.
- PRAY for wisdom to know when and how to resume our full load of ministries: leading our church planting project at TMC, facilitating the Asia work of the EFC of Canada Mission, and visiting our US supporting churches on home assignment.
- PRAY for our 6 adult children (and 1 grandbaby) in the US, some of whom are struggling with isolation, temporary job loss, and anxiety. Even though we video chat with them almost weekly, we do wish we could be geographically closer to them to provide some practical support.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #153
Mar 14, 2020
Dale’s Health
On Feb 11 Dale was hospitalized in Tokyo with a high fever, severe joint pain, and bacterial pneumonia in both lungs. He did not and does not have the new coronavirus, COVID-19. He was cleared of pneumonia and discharged after ten days on Feb 21.Test results for pain in his joints were available ten days later: “polymyalgia rheumatica” (PMR), in which the immune system attacks healthy tissues resulting in inflammatory arthritis. His treatment is a gradually decreasing dosage of oral steroids for 4-6 weeks until an ongoing, regular dosage can be determined. The doc says he should be better by early- to mid-April. In the meantime, his pain continues, though gradually reducing, and his immune system is compromised. So he has temporarily stepped back from most church planting responsibilities, delegating those to our TMC leadership team.
* GIVE THANKS that Dale’s pneumonia has cleared up.
* PRAY that Dale’s joint pain will go away and that he will gain strength for life and ministry. The only ministry he has had the strength to do in Feb and Mar has been essential emails.
* PRAY for Ann as she has been Dale’s primary care giver.
Travel Plans
Our Asia EFC of Canada Mission retreat in Pattaya, Thailand Mar 30 - Apr 3 that we were leading has been cancelled due to COVID-19. But we are still planning to take our first short home assignment this year from sometime in April to mid-June, based in Maine. We hold our travel plans lightly these days due to COVID-19 and Dale’s health, resting in the assurance that our Lord is both loving and sovereign.* PRAY for wisdom to know when we should travel.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #152
Feb 21, 2020
Dale discharged from hospital
Dale was hospitalized at St. Luke’s International Hospital in Tokyo on Tue, Feb 11 with joint pain and bacterial pneumonia in both lungs. Today, 10 days later on Feb 21, he was discharged.The bacterial pneumonia is healing even though both lungs are still a bit cloudy. Dale did not have the new coronavirus (COVID-19). But the joint pain in his shoulders is taking longer to heal. The working hypothesis is that he had an acute case of crystal-induced arthritis in his joints leading to immobility because of pain and eventually a fever that developed into pneumonia. It will be another week before the diagnosis of his shoulder pain can be made. That diagnosis will be reviewed on an out-patient basis on Feb 28. Until then he will be resting at home while taking anti-inflammatory and pain meds.
This has thrown a monkey wrench into our life and ministry. But as one of our wise friends (MP) told us, “Let others do the ministry.” We are grateful for our team at Tokyo Multicultural Church who are stepping up to the plate. Ann has carried a heavy load through all this. She has continued her TMC ministry, cared for Dale in the hospital by being with him every day (one way travel takes one hour), and handled most of Dale’s essential email correspondence.
We are still moving forward in leading our Asia EFC of Canada Mission retreat in Pattaya, Thailand Mar 30 - Apr 3. Click here for more information. And we are also still planning to take our first short home assignment this year from mid-Apr to mid-Jun, based in Maine.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #151-B
Feb 15, 2020
Pray for Dale
Dale was hospitalized with joint pain and bacterial pneumonia in both lungs at St. Luke’s International Hospital in Tokyo on Tue, Feb 11.Praise God for the excellent care he is receiving from a team of doctors and nurses at St. Luke’s.
Dale does not have the new coronavirus (COVID-19).
Praise God that his numbers have improved, he is off oxygen, and his temperature is dropping to the normal range.
Pray for complete healing from the pneumonia.
Pray that the doctors can find the cause of pain in his shoulders and hips and so facilitate the Lord’s healing.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #151
Dec 19, 2019
* GIVE THANKS for the opportunity to share Jesus with children and their parents at Wakuwaku Christmas Family Time.* PRAY that children will continue to attend our monthly Wakuwaku Family Time.
* PRAY that the gospel of Jesus Christ will continue to transform lives at TMC.
* PRAY that the balance in our TMC Church Planting Startup Fund will increase.
* GIVE THANKS that we can enjoy Christmas in Maine with our children.
* PRAY that the first ever EFCCM Asia retreat will be a time of refreshment and encouragement for our missionaries spread throughout Asia.
* GIVE THANKS for our 23 supporting churches (plus individuals).
* PRAY that our 2020 home assignment ministry will be a blessing.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #149
Aug 31, 2019
* PRAISE GOD for our five short term teachers and the nineteen students who came to our summer outreachEnglish program.
* PRAY for our follow up of those students.
* PRAY for plans, preparation, and volunteers for the monthly family/children’s outreach program beginning
in October.
* PRAY for the continued adjustment of our Japanese Department pastor, Motomichi Harada.
* PRAY for the start of Japanese language worship services in October.
* PRAY that the Lord will raise up future leaders for our Chinese and English Departments.
* PRAY that Dale will be able to communicate, care, network, equip and recruit personnel in his role as EFCCM Regional Ministries Facilitator.* PRAY for wisdom as both of us connect with Asia EFCCM personnel and try to encourage them when
we drop into their lives once or twice a year.
* PRAY for our adult children as they adjust to the new adventures of their lives.Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #146
Sep 8, 2018
After August’s record-breaking heat two major natural disasters battered Japan in early September. The strongest typhoon in 25 years made landfall in Western Japan, with its wind and floods wreaking havoc in the cities of Kobe and Osaka. Then a 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of Sapporo on the northern island of Hokkaido that rarely has earthquakes. This quake actually registered at the top of the Japanese earthquake scale.
* PRAY for protection for believers so that they can show the love of Christ in practical ways to neighbors and friends. Nobody wants to suffer through these kinds of disasters. But when they occur, all within God’s sovereignty even in natural disaster prone Japan, we want to remain faithful. We are thankful to have been able to use our Disaster Preparedness Expansion Fund to stock disaster supplies at two places including TMC.
* GIVE THANKS that we were able to participate in the once every other year EFC of Canada Conference in early August in Lethbridge Alberta. We re-connected with EFCC/M leaders as well as supporting church pastors and leaders. We then enjoyed over one week in Maine with Ann’s mother and several of our children.
* GIVE THANKS that several people in two of our supporting churches have expressed an interest in teaching in TMC’s outreach English program next July. Both children and adults attend the conversational English classes.
* PRAY that participants in TMC’s newly started four small groups that meet twice a month will grow deeper in their relationship with Christ and each other. Discussion questions are based on the most recent Sunday sermon.
* PRAY for future leaders who will continue to establish TMC and work toward launching TMC #2. Most of TMC’s current missionary staff will likely retire by 2022.
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #136
Aug 24, 2017

* PRAY that they will continue to honor God in seeking his will for their lives. Now that they have completed their honeymoon in Malta, they are setting up their first home in Manchester, New Hampshire, where Victoria works in retail clothing management and Matthew continues launching his entrepreneurial business endeavors.
* GIVE THANKS for the opportunity to once again share the gospel at our one week summer English conversation classes. The seven children with their moms and the six students in the adult classes all heard about Jesus Christ in Japanese each day.
* PRAY that the moms will want to send their children to Ann’s weekly moms and tots class in the fall where they will continue to learn English as well as Bible stories.
* PRAY that the two adult students who have been attending TMC on Sundays since the summer classes ended will continue to join us on Sundays and that they might come to faith in Christ.
* PRAY for wisdom and strength for Ann as she prepares to launch TMC’s bi-weekly Japanese Sunday school for young children in September.
* GIVE THANKS for the opportunity Dale had last fall to teach Church Planting Theology at ACTS Seminaries (BC Canada), live-streamed from Tokyo.
* PRAY that Dale’s Contemporary Theology class this semester (Apr–Oct) at Japan Bible Seminary will help his students critically read Christian theology so that they might be better prepared to keep their theological balance after entering the pastorate. This is Dale’s 15th year of teaching this course in Japanese.
(Discover more about each of these prayer items in our News updates.)
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #124
Mar 19, 2017

Arvid Olson notes in his book "The Historical Development of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada Missions" that Dad was the "Father of Canadian Free Church Missions'' (p. 57).
* GIVE THANKS for the spiritual and numerical growth we are seeing in our church planting project at Tokyo Multicultural Church. Jesus Christ is building his church that we are planting at TMC!
* PRAY for strength and encouragement for Jon Prins (EFCCM) as he leads TMC during the remaining months of our home assignment.
* PRAY for wisdom and peace for Duane Dietze (ReachGlobal) as he has had to return to the US for three months to find solutions for his mother’s aging needs.
* GIVE THANKS that Kevin and Grace from the EFC of Macau have joined our TMC missionary leadership team.
* PRAY for more opportunities to interact about the biblical truths of Jesus Christ with the parents of the children in TMC’s outreach English classes.
* PRAY that in the remaining three months of our six-month home assignment we will clearly communicate our ministry, especially our church planting at TMC and our vision to launch TMC#2.
* PRAY for safety as we drive and fly many miles, visiting supporting churches.
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #119
Jan 31, 2017
* GIVE THANKS for the spiritual and numerical growth we are seeing in our church planting project at Tokyo Multicultural Church! Jesus Christ is building his church that we are planting at TMC!
* PRAY for wisdom, strength, and encouragement for Duane Dietze (ReachGlobal) and Jon Prins (EFCCM) as they lead TMC during our home assignment.
* PRAY for more opportunities to interact about the biblical truths of Jesus Christ with the parents of the children in TMC’s outreach English classes.
* PRAY that on our six-month home assignment we will clearly communicate our ministry, especially our church planting at TMC and our vision to launch TMC#2.
* PRAY for temporary housing for us in greater Vancouver BC area Feb 6 - Apr 20.
* PRAY for safety as we drive and fly many miles.
* GIVE THANKS that God has led each of our children to life partners of his choosing.
* PRAY that each will continue to honor the Lord in seeking his will for their lives.
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #118
(NOTE: Jan 2017 prayer items are copied from our Dec 2016 prayer letter.)
Dec 28, 2016
It’s hard to believe that 5 years have passed since visiting some of our supporting churches. During the first of those five years we served in tsunami recovery ministry in northeastern Japan (2012). And then for the past four years we have been launching and establishing Tokyo Multicultural Church. From Jan-Jun 2017 we will be visiting at least 15 of our supporting churches (this time mostly in western Canada) to report on what God has been doing in and through our ministry.
Please PRAY…
- That on our home assignment we will clearly communicate our ministry, especially our church planting at TMC and our vision to launch TMC#2.
- For housing in greater Vancouver BC area Feb 6 - Apr 20.
- For safety as we drive and fly many miles.

GIVE THANKS that God has led Bryan and Jessica to one another and please PRAY that they will continue to honor God in seeking his will for their lives.
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #117
August 29, 2016

After a summer break, our TMC outreach English classes begin again in September: weekly moms and tots, bi-weekly ladies, and monthly adults. PRAY that students will be eager to learn not only English, but also to know the love of Jesus Christ.
We plan to announce our first church membership list on Sun Oct 2. PRAY that TMC will be encouraged by this important step in establishing the church.
We continue to seek donations for two approved TMC Special Financial Projects. Please PRAY and give as the Lord leads! (More information here.)
- TMC Tokyo Disaster Preparedness Project for equipping three places for three possible Tokyo area disasters: earthquake, flooding/tsunami, and Mt. Fuji eruption (CAN$6800).
- TMC Used Minivan Purchase Project (CAN$7000).
We are seeking an outreach English conversation class teacher for one year to serve in several EFC churches in the greater Tokyo area. Most of the students are children. The opportunity is from mid-Mar 2017 through Mar 2018 and the position is 80% salaried. The short term teacher's "home church" would be TMC. If interested please contact the EFCCM. PRAY that the Lord will send us just the right applicant for this position.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #113
July 25, 2016

We look forward to a summer 2017 wedding! Pray that God will meet their needs as they seek together how to become God's blessing to the nations.
Give thanks that four adults from last summer's outreach English class program have signed up for our monthly "English Circle" we plan to launch this fall. Pray that more adults will sign up.
And pray that more children with their moms will come to our TMC fall kids outreach English classes with Alicia and Bible time with Ann.
Please pray that TMC will be further encouraged and established at our charter membership commitment service on Aug 28.
We continue to seek donations for two approved TMC Special Financial Projects. Please pray and give as the Lord leads! (More information here.)
- TMC Tokyo Disaster Preparedness Project for equipping three places for three possible Tokyo area disasters: earthquake, flooding/tsunami, and Mt. Fuji eruption (CAN$6800).
- TMC Used Minivan Purchase Project (CAN$7000).
In the fall Dale teaches Church Planting Theology at ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University (greater Vancouver), live-streamed from TMC. Please pray for his ongoing preparation.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #112
June 20, 2016

Our Kristy became Mrs. Matthew Fujiura on May 29 in California. It was a wonderful, friendly, God-centered, and beautiful outdoor wedding—but maybe we are a little biased! Their wedding perfectly reflected Kristy and Matthew, with family from both sides affirming that they were made for each other.
Pray that together they will be a blessing to the nations and that the Lord will graciously guide them as they explore options for their life and work together.
Pray that more children with their moms will come for TMC kids outreach English classes with Alicia and Bible time with Ann.
And pray that many of the 17 registered adults in last summer's TMC outreach English class program will come to a class reunion on July 15. We are asking the Lord to give us some good ideas for an ongoing adult evangelistic English program.
We continue to seek donations for two approved TMC Special Financial Projects. Please pray and give as the Lord leads! (More information here.)
- TMC Tokyo Disaster Preparedness Project for preparing three places for three possible Tokyo area disasters: earthquake, flooding/tsunami, and Mt. Fuji eruption (CAN$6800).
- TMC Used Minivan Purchase Project (CAN$7000).
In July Dale teaches a modular version of his Contemporary Theology class in Japanese at Japan Bible Seminary (Tokyo). And in the fall semester he teaches Church Planting Theology at ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University (Vancouver), live-streamed from TMC.
Pray for Dale's preparation for these classes, especially his new class at ACTS Seminaries.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #111
May 11, 2016

Ann and Alicia teach outreach English classes at TMC. Pray that more children with their moms will come for English learning with Alicia and Bible time with Ann.
We would like to follow up last summer's one week outreach English program with another one this summer, especially for adults. But we are not sure what structure to give it. Pray for the Lord's wisdom in our planning.
We are seeking donations for two approved TMC Special Financial Projects. Please pray and give as the Lord leads! (Click here for more information and how to give.)
- Tokyo Disaster Preparedness Project for preparing three places for three possible Tokyo area disasters: earthquake, flooding/tsunami, and Mt. Fuji eruption (CAN$6800).
- TMC Used Minivan Purchase Project (CAN$7000).
Kristy Little and Matthew Fujiura are getting married on May 29 in California! Give thanks that the Lord has brought them together and pray for his blessing on their marriage. We look forward to celebrating with them on their big day!
Dale’s older brother, Phil, continues to undergo chemotherapy for lymphoma cancer. Please pray that the Lord will work through both medicine and miracle to put the cancer in remission.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #110
April 16, 2016
Kumamoto prefecture in southern/western Japan was hit by 6.5 (Apr 14) and 7.3 (Apr 16) magnitude quakes in populated areas. A trail of devastation and death has followed. Typically, several weeks of professional rescue operations are followed by years of relief and recovery. Churches in Japan are responding. One excellent way to contribute is through CRASH Japan (
Pray for those worried about safety for themselves and their loved ones; for children who need reassurance; for governments to reduce bureaucracy in order to effectively help; for recovery efforts to have long term effectiveness; and for the name of Jesus to be uplifted by churches helping.
Even as we pray for those affected, we give thanks for quake resistant strengthening construction taking place at our TMC rental facility.
The Tokyo metropolitan government is encouraging all residents to be prepared for the predicted triple disasters: earthquake, tsunami, and volcanic eruption. Five days of emergency supplies are recommended. With TMC and ourselves in mind, we have set up a "Tokyo Disaster Preparedness Fund,” with a goal of CAN$6800. Pray that these funds will come in quickly so we can purchase the required items. And please consider giving.
In March, Alicia joined us at TMC for one year. Pray for her ongoing adjustment to life in greater Tokyo, and for her evangelistic English class preparation and teaching.
Jon Prins arrived Apr 16. Pray that he will find joy in ministering as our TMC church planter specialist in cross-cultural issues.
Kristy (our daughter) and Matthew Fujiura’s wedding will be on May 29 in California. Give thanks that the Lord has brought them together. And pray for them as they prepare for their big day!
Dale’s older brother, Phil, is undergoing chemotherapy for advanced and aggressive lymphoma cancer. Pray that the Lord will work through both medicine and miracle to put the cancer in remission.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #109
February 20, 2016
Alicia Lim and Jon Prins, both with the EFCCM, will be joining us at TMC in the next six weeks.
Alicia will be teaching outreach English conversation classes for one year at TMC and two other Evangelical Free churches in greater Tokyo. She comes from Ottawa ON with the blessing of her home church, Ottawa Chinese Bible Church.
Jon has a long term commitment to TMC and will join our missionary staff as church planter and intercultural specialist. He has served in church planting in Japan for many years and comes to us from Minneapolis MN.
Give thanks that both Alicia and Jon are coming to TMC soon! Pray that we will be able to procure their visas and find apartments for them nearby TMC, and that they be able to raise their remaining required finances and have a smooth adjustment to ministry in Tokyo.
Give thanks that our support team (27 churches, 28 individuals) fully met our 2015 ministry budget. What a great team! Our 2016 ministry budget is only slightly higher than 2015.
In January we applied the remaining approximately CAN$14,500 from the EFCCM Japan Disaster Fund to Onagawa Megumi Project for their moving and set up expenses of their new shop on the new promenade in Onagawa, as well as for the relocation of their trailer. We are grateful that the Lord continues to use the Megumi Project to bring his grace (= “megumi”) and love to a town hit by one of the highest tsunamis (30 meters) on March 11, 2011.
In Feb we volunteered at Onagawa Megumi Project for a few days in order to fill in for Megumi Project leaders Andy and Lorna Gilbert (ReachGlobal) who had to return suddenly to the US for one month to care for an aging parent. One day we were at the trailer where their products are made, another day we helped sell their crafts at their new store, and the final day we hosted the missionary staff at our vacation house for a mini retreat.
Give thanks for Megumi Project’s ongoing testimony of God’s love in Onagawa. Give thanks for our TMC colleague Duane Dietze (ReachGlobal) who so ably covers for us when we need to leave Tokyo for most of a week.
Pray for strength and joy for the five missionaries serving and leading the Megumi Project. Ask the Lord to work in the hearts of the half dozen Japanese ladies who design and sell the crafts made from donated kimono, helping them to see and accept God’s love for them in Jesus Christ.
Kristy and Matthew Fujiura’s wedding will be on May 29 in Diamond Bar CA (greater LA)! Matthew is from California and enjoyed his first visit to Japan this past summer when he proposed to Kristy.
Give thanks that the Lord has brought Kristy and Matthew together in his perfect timing. And pray for them as they make the many preparations for their big day!
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #107
December 10, 2015
We are thankful for connecting with 7 of our 27 supporting churches during our fall home assignment. We visited that many in the spring too.
Our focus during our two short home assignments in 2015 has been our US support team.
We will focus on our Canadian support team during our next home assignment in the first half of 2017.
One highlight of our fall home assignment was US Thanksgiving with our children!—the first time we have been able to do that since 2007.
Pray for “Dr. Kristy” as she adjusts to her new California job and living situation, and prepares for both her California Board of Psychology licensing exams and her wedding.
At TMC we will be holding a children’s event on the 19th, Christmas Sunday worship and outreach on the 20th, and a candle light service on Christmas Eve the 24th. Pray that that we will see new faces at TMC as a result of our Christmas events.
Continue to pray that the Lord will raise up future leaders for TMC to serve in a dynamic multicultural environment.
We have dipped into our EFCCM TMC church planting start up fund (EFCCM account #2-2302) twice this year when our TMC offerings have been insufficient to cover our CAD$3000 monthly rent. Pray that TMC will be able to become financially self-supporting in 2016.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #105
September 16, 2015
Kristy came to visit us for a few weeks in August with her California boyfriend, Matthew Fujiura. Matt proposed to her on our trip north to "Takayama by the Sea,” our vacation spot in Japan (and a very romantic spot for a proposal!) In October, Kristy settles into her one year post-doctoral placement at the counseling center of California State Polytechnic University in Pomona CA while her Matthew teaches special needs children in the California school system. We are anticipating something like a spring wedding in California!
Pray for the Lord’s blessing on Kristy and Matthew Fujiura’s engagement, the flurry of wedding planning, the wedding itself, and most importantly, their marriage.
Dale completed his 13th year of teaching "Contemporary Theology” in Japanese at Japan Bible Seminary in Tokyo this week. He now finalizes his preparation for teaching Church Planting Theology at ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University located in greater Vancouver BC. This new course will be
Pray that Dale’s part time theology teaching will continue to contribute to the development of church leaders for Japan, including for TMC.
We are looking forward to having Alicia Lim join us at TMC as our outreach English teacher for one year starting Mar or Apr 2016. She comes from Ottawa ON via the EFCCM. Ann’s weekly “Little Lambs English Circle” (moms & tots) and bi-weekly ladies outreach English class, as well as Duane’s weekly outreach English classes starting in Oct all provide a base for Alicia’s English teaching ministry at TMC.
Pray that Alicia will be able to raise all her required finances this fall and that we will be able to secure a “religious activities visa” for her to arrive in Tokyo by Mar 2016.
We will be in the US Oct 5 - Dec 10 for our next home assignment. Please pray that visits to our supporting churches will be fruitful and that the Lord will give us safety for our many miles of flying and driving.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #103
August 10, 2015
Our summer 2015 outreach English conversation classes at TMC were a success! We had 4 children and 17 adults register for our Jul 28 - Aug 1 program. Each English class included Bible time.
The 4 children in this summer’s English classes included 2 moms with their tots who were new to TMC. The other 2 moms with their tots have been a part of Ann’s weekly Little Lambs English Circle. Ann was the English teacher for the children’s summer classes, with valuable assistance from 2 energetic short term teachers.
The 17 adults were mostly new to us at TMC. They came through word of mouth or the flyers we had delivered to local mailboxes through a distribution company.
Four ReachGlobal short term missionaries taught our adult summer classes. They helped TMC begin to build personal relationships with people new to us in our corner of Tokyo.
Several adult students expressed an interest in visiting TMC for our Sunday worship time and fellowship. So far, 2 have actually visited. In addition, 4 have signed up for weekly adult outreach English classes that we will begin in October.
Our summer outreach English classes help us lay the foundation for our Japanese Department. They contribute to our “Establishing Phase” (2014-2019), the third strategic phase of planting TMC.
- Give thanks for our good summer English classes.
- Pray for growth of our Japanese Department because of these summer classes: new attenders at TMC, new follow up English classes in the fall, new moms & tots for Ann’s classes, and especially new believers.
Kristy will be visiting for a few weeks us later this month. We look forward to showing her our corner of Tokyo and driving north to our vacation house at Takayama that all our children have always enjoyed. She is probably most excited about showing Japan to her boyfriend who will be coming with her.
- Give thanks that Kristy can visit us. Skype is OK, but it just doesn’t quite do the trick! None of our children have seen our Tokyo apartment since we moved here in Jan 2013.
- Pray for God’s continued blessing on our children’s lives and work in the US—Kristy and Matthew in greater Los Angeles and Bryan in St. Louis.
Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #102