Asia ServeBeyond

Nov 2024

These prayer items are from our Nov 2024 newsletter, which is about our October trip. Go there for context and more details.

GIVE THANKS that while in Japan and Thailand in Oct, Dale & Ann were able to connect, encourage, and lead both TMC and the Asia ministries of ServeBeyond.
GIVE THANKS that Dale was able to teach the second segment of his modular theology class at Japan Bible Seminary while in Tokyo in Oct.
-GIVE THANKS for TMC’s ongoing encouraging connection with Musashino Chapel Center.
-GIVE THANKS that David & Lina have a new house. Under a Memorandum of Understanding between SIM and ServeBeyond, they are now global workers with ServeBeyond. PRAY for the continuing growth of their disciple making ministries and an increase in their financial support base. To donate to their Ministry Expansion Fund insert #2-2377 here.
-GIVE THANKS that Matthew & Ai Hua will be coming to TMC. PRAY that they will be accepted by a mission agency in Malaysia. PRAY that they will be able to raise funds in various countries. And PRAY that we will be able to develop a Memorandum of Understanding with ServeBeyond for them if required.
GIVE THANKS for the encouraging ServeBeyond Asia retreat in Oct.
GIVE THANKS for our faithful support team of churches and individuals. PRAY that our ministry budget will once again be fully met this year.

Oct 2024

October is a busy month of Asia travel and ministry. Please pray for strength and joy during this trip as we do practical leadership at Tokyo Multicultural Church and encourage ServeBeyond’s Asia workers. See the October 2024 posts under “News and Thoughts” for updates.
  • Joint TMC and MCC Retreat. On the long weekend of Oct 12-14 TMC and Musashino Chapel Center will hold a joint retreat near Mt. Fuji. MCC is the mother church of TMC. We ourselves will participate Sunday evening and Monday morning.
  • New House for David & Lina. We will be visiting David & Lina, TMC Chinese ministries pastoral couple, at their new house. They have been living in temporary housing since their fall 2023 arrival in Tokyo.
  • Asia ServeBeyond Retreat. On the long weekend of Oct 18-21 we will be leading a ServeBeyond Asia retreat in Krabi Thailand for networking, encouraging and onboarding.
  • TMC Worship Services. We will be at TMC worship services on Oct 13 and 27.
  • Decision About Inviting a TMC English Ministries Pastoral Couple. On Oct 27 TMC members will decide whether to invite Matthew & Ai Hua at a Members’ Meeting led by Dale. They are from Malaysia and are native English speakers but also speak Chinese. They both have MDiv degrees from Malaysia and Matthew also has a DMin. They have been pastoring a Chinese church north of Tokyo for five years and are looking for an English based ministry.
  • Seminary Teaching. Dale will teach the last half of his modular Contemporary Theology seminary class in Japanese Oct 26, 29, and 30. This is his 22nd year of teaching part-time at Japan Bible Seminary.
  • One on one visits. We will be meeting individually with TMC leaders, members and attenders at various places in Tokyo.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #189

May 2024

This month’s prayer items are copied from our May 2024 newsletter—go there to see the context for the items below.

PRAY that during our trip to Japan in June we might be able to encourage and mentor the young leaders at TMC. In addition, we look forward to plenty of one-on-one time with others. Dale preaches once, guides a Leadership Team meeting, and leads a congregational meeting. He will also teach his annual modular theology class at Japan Bible Seminary.

PRAY that the Lord will raise up leaders for TMC’s English and Japanese ministries, both men and women. PRAY that we will patiently wait for the Lord’s timing for turning over hands-on leadership responsibilities to others.

PRAISE God for TMC’s children. PRAY for the parents and teachers as they teach the children in Sunday school and find ways to include children in the worship service in our small one room facility.

GIVE THANKS that since Sep/2023 TMC has not needed any subsidy from its ServeBeyond church planting fund (Dale & Ann’s Ministry Expansion Fund #2-2302). This is partly due to providing smaller stipends for TMC pastors. But this is not sustainable over the long haul and makes it difficult to recruit new pastors. So TMC’s budget should probably be increased soon. PRAY that TMC offerings might increase to cover higher stipends while continuing to cover rental facility costs.

PRAY for wisdom and energy to plan our Asia ServeBeyond retreat in Thailand, Oct. 11-14. PRAY that those who come will be encouraged to faithfully and joyfully continue their missional ministries.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #186

Mar-Apr 2024

In Feb-Mar we have been and will be in Asia. On Sundays in Tokyo we serve at Tokyo Multicultural Church, our church planting project, and meet during the week with TMC lay and pastoral leaders. In Hong Kong, Macau, and Thailand we visit ServeBeyond global workers, partners, and projects.
  • PRAY for safety, good health, and the working out of so many travel and rendezvous details: Asia flights to/from Tokyo Narita airport, hotels, meeting times and places, etc.
  • PRAY that the Lord will provide TMC with an English ministries pastoral couple to join our current part-time bi-vocational English pastor. Click here to see recruitment email.
  • GIVE THANKS for what the Lord is doing through ServeBeyond ministries in Asia, all the way from church planting and evangelism to meeting social needs in the name of Jesus.
  • PRAY that while in Chiang Mai, Thailand we will be able to make arrangements for our second Asia ServeBeyond retreat, this time in October.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #185

Feb 2024

During the first 3 weeks of February we will be visiting TMC for in-person coaching and leadership. Dale will lead a monthly leadership team meeting (as he normally does) and a congregational meeting. Both Dale & Ann will be meeting one-on-one with various members and leaders, typically at coffee shops or restaurants.
  • PRAY that the Lord will provide TMC with an English ministries pastoral couple to join our current part-time bi-vocational English pastor. Click here to see recruitment email.
  • PRAY that TMC’s Chinese ministries full-time pastoral couple will continue to make good strides toward taking increasing leadership responsibilities.
  • PRAY that our one-on-one meetings will be an encouragement and blessing.
During the last week of February and the first week of March we look forward to connecting with ServeBeyond global workers, partners, and projects in Hong Kong, Macau and Thailand.
  • PRAY for safety, good health, and the working out of last minute travel details.
  • GIVE THANKS for what the Lord is doing through ServeBeyond ministries in Asia, all the way from church planting and evangelism to helping meet social needs.
  • PRAY that while we are in Thailand we might be able to make arrangements for our second Asia ServeBeyond retreat, probably in October.

(infographic from omf.org)
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #184

Nov 2023

This month’s prayer items are copied from our Nov 2023 newsletter—go there to see the context for the items below.

PRAISE THE LORD for our good ministry trip to Japan, Thailand and Singapore in Sep-Oct. PRAY for wisdom as we set up the next one for Feb.

2023_10_17-2 PLhardcopy
  • GIVE THANKS that David & Lina have arrived in Tokyo and at TMC with religious activities visas. PRAY that they will adjust well to life and ministry in their new adopted country, and that their two children will learn to love living in Tokyo.
  • ASK the Lord to raise up a TMC lead pastoral or missionary couple to take over for us. We cannot fully transition out until then.
  • PRAY for wisdom as we try to encourage and guide ServeBeyond global workers in Asia.
  • GIVE THANKS that we have visited 6 of our 10 supporting churches in the US and have arranged 2 more visits. PRAY that we will be able to visit the remaining 2 in the next few months, and then begin visiting our 11 supporting churches in Canada.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #182

Sep - Oct 2023

PRAISE GOD that Japan Immigration granted religious activities visas to David & Lina and their two children. They arrived in Tokyo via Hong Kong in late Sep to begin their full-time Chinese ministries at Tokyo Multicultural Church. PRAY that they will soon find housing; that they will adjust well to life and ministry in Tokyo; and that their two children will learn to love living in Tokyo.

We are based in Japan Sep 23 - Oct 21.
  • PRAY for us to be of encouragement to ServeBeyond global workers in Chiang Mai and partners in Singapore during our Sep 29 - Oct 6 visits.
  • PRAY for wisdom and strength as we lead in-person at TMC Oct 7-18.
  • PRAY that we will be able to provide David & Lina with helpful orientation and encouragement Oct 8, 17.
  • PRAY for good seminary teaching days for Dale Oct 14, 19, 20 at Japan Bible Seminary. These are the last of his six modular classes for this semester (Apr - Oct).
GIVE THANKS that we have been able to visit 4 of our 11 supporting churches in the US and have arranged 2 more visits. PRAY that we will be able to visit the remaining 5 over the next 3-4 months, and then begin visiting our 11 supporting churches in Canada.

As of January 2023 Dale & Ann are based at their house in Maine for 8-9 months/year and at their house in Japan for 3-4 months/year. They travel from Maine to Japan three times a year for 4-6 weeks at a time to carry out their ministries in Tokyo and Asia. The rest of the year they do so remotely.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #181

Nov 2022

This month’s prayer items are copied from our Nov 2022 newsletter—go there to see some pics and further info about the items below.

  • GIVE THANKS for our good first Asia ServeBeyond retreat. PRAY that the Lord will grow our ministries and send new workers/partners.
  • GIVE THANKS for the younger TMC staff: Moto, Kevin, and Luke & Hannah.
  • GIVE THANKS that David & Lina are coming to TMC. PRAY for their financial needs, family transition, and religious visa applications.
  • PRAY that the Lord will supply TMC with another missionary/pastoral couple or single (man or woman) for English ministries.
  • PRAY that the Lord will raise up a TMC children’s ministry champion to replace Ann.
  • PRAY for TMC’s Family Christmas on Dec. 4, and Christmas worship and afternoon fellowship on Dec. 25.
  • PRAY that irregular TMC attenders will choose to be involved regularly once again, that newcomers will want to keep coming, and that unbelievers will meet Jesus through TMC.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #174

Oct 2022

23 asia retreat 2022_10
After postponing for two years due to covid, we were able to gather Oct. 10-14 in Pattaya Thailand for networking, encouragement, and relaxation at our first-ever Asia retreat for our mission agency. The majority of the eleven missionaries and mission leaders from Canada, Japan and Thailand who were able to attend (about half our number) had rarely, if ever, met in-person. We connected with God by learning about Jesus’ post-resurrection Great Commission teachings. And we connected with one another by sharing about our lives and ministries, and by praying for each other.
  • GIVE THANKS for the good connections, discussions and fellowship at the retreat.
  • PRAY that the connections made will continue and that our Asia region will be able to develop new ministries and recruit new personnel.
  • PRAY for wisdom as we consider when and where to hold our next Asia retreat.
New and younger pastoral and lay leaders are emerging at TMC. But we need more.
  • GIVE THANKS that David & Lina, missionary appointees with SIM Singapore, will be joining TMC staff as Chinese ministries pastoral couple.
  • PRAY that we will be able to secure Japanese religious activities visas for them.
  • PRAY that the Lord will supply another missionary couple or single (man or woman) to join our English ministries pastoral team.
In late Dec. we move from Tokyo to Maine USA but will still keep our legal residency status in Japan. Lord willing, beginning in 2023 we will take 2-3 annual trips of 1-2 months each to Japan and Asia so that we can be at TMC 6-8 Sundays a year, visit ServeBeyond missionaries and partners in Asia, and so that Dale can continue to teach his seminary classes in Tokyo. For the remainder of our time we will coach remotely and visit our support team churches first in the US and then in Canada. So we will continue to carry a full-time missionary budget. (More transition info here.)
  • PRAY for wisdom, strength, sanity, and peace as we leave our Tokyo apartment that we have called home for the past 10 years. Decisions about what to ship, give away, or discard have become more difficult because shipping prices are 5-7 times higher than pre-covid.
  • PRAY that as we transition out of TMC over the next couple years we will be able to encourage and coach the Leadership Team (Dale) and those serving in children’s ministry (Ann).

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #173

Aug-Sep 2022

  • GIVE THANKS that David & Lina, missionary appointees with SIM Singapore, will be joining TMC staff as Chinese ministries pastoral couple alongside Kevin & Grace.
  • PRAY that we will be able to secure Japanese visas for David & Lina, with SIM Singapore as sending agency and ReachGlobal/EFC Japan as receiving agency.
  • PRAY that the Lord will supply another missionary couple or single (man or woman) to pastor TMC English ministries alongside Luke & Hannah who are part-time bi-vocational.
  • PRAY for assurance of salvation for K-san and especially that he will learn to know the love of Jesus.
  • PRAY that SW will learn to show his love for Jesus by obeying him when it is easier to follow the world’s ways.
  • PRAY that the Lord will provide TMC’s newest member H-san with better employment and improved health, and GIVE THANKS that he is helping lead some worship services and a small group.
  • GIVE THANKS for our one granddaughter (born Jul) and two grandsons (one born Mar) in Michigan and Missouri, and that we have been able to visit all our children and grandchildren this summer. Lord willing, we return to Tokyo on Sep 13-14.
  • PRAY for our transition during the fall months as we move our primary residence from Tokyo to Maine at the end of the year. We will maintain a secondary residence in Japan to give us the freedom of re-entering Japan while covid border restrictions are in place, and we will continue to carry a full-time missionary budget. (More info here.)
    • PRAY that Ann will be able to raise up a children’s ministry team at TMC that she can coach in-person and remotely.
    • PRAY that Dale will be able to continue encouraging and coaching TMC leaders in-person and remotely.
    • PRAY that the Lord will bless our first ServeBeyond Asia retreat in Thailand Oct 10-14. We have delayed it for 2 years due to covid.
    • PRAY that we will be able to visit all our US supporting churches during the first half of 2023.
    • PRAY that beginning in 2023 we will be able to take 2-3 annual trips of 1-2 months each to Japan and Asia so that we can be at TMC 6-8 Sundays a year, visit ServeBeyond missionaries and partners n Asia, and for Dale to teach his modular seminary classes in Tokyo.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #172

Jun 2022

ServeBeyond logo
ServeBeyond is the new name for the Evangelical Free Church of Canada Mission. It remains the international mission arm of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada (efcc.ca). So we are now missionaries with ServeBeyond.

Tokyo Multicultural Church is going through leadership transition as older missionaries begin to move into the background and as we seek new leaders.
  • PRAY for TMC’s younger pastors/missionaries who are learning how to assume overall responsibility as well as take on specific ministry roles.
  • PRAY that the Lord might lead an English ministries pastor/missionary couple to TMC who can join our current part-time bivocational English ministries pastoral couple.
  • A Chinese ministries pastor/missionary couple is considering coming to TMC via Singapore. TMC’s Leadership Team and the attenders of TMC’s Chinese Fellowship have each met with them several times by zoom.
    • GIVE THANKS that this couple amazingly heard about TMC’s need for a Chinese ministries leader through another mission agency in Japan.
    • GIVE THANKS that the Lord seems to have been preparing them for Japan and a ministry like TMC for years.
    • PRAY for wisdom for both TMC and this couple as we seek the Lord’s will.
    • PRAY that if the Lord leads this couple to TMC, he will give us and their sending mission agency success in procuring their visas.
We are looking forward to visiting our children in the US again this summer. We will also be receiving some regular six-month interval medical follow-up.
  • GIVE THANKS for our second grandson born in March.
  • PRAY for our daughter as she gives birth to our first granddaughter in mid-July, for a safe delivery and healthy baby.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #170

May 2022

This month’s prayer items are pretty well copied from our May 2022 newsletter—go there to see some pics and further info about the items below.

GIVE THANKS that Jesus Christ is growing and building his church at TMC that we are planting and watering (Mt. 16:18, 1 Cor. 3:6-9).
  • Worship service attendance and offerings are increasing. PRAY this might continue.
  • Some parents with children are attending again and Ann teaches Bible to the children. PRAY that parents will be consistent.
  • Some are considering baptism as next steps in following Christ. PRAY for those struggling with obedience to Christ.
  • PRAY for our humility, gentleness, patience, and love as we maintain and model unity during leadership transitions (Eph. 4:2-3).
GIVE THANKS for Moto, pastor for Japanese language ministries; Luke & Hannah from US/Japan, pastoral couple for English ministries; and Kevin from Macau, pastoral apprentice for Chinese language ministries.
  • GIVE THANKS for the pastoral couple pursuing the possibility of leading TMC’s Chinese language ministries. ASK the Lord to give them and TMC wisdom as we seek his will. Several positive interviews have taken place. Several more need to happen before they will be presented to TMC members who will decide whether to extend them an invitation.
  • PRAY for another pastor/missionary or couple to join Luke & Hannah for English ministries.
  • PRAY that the Lord might raise up someone to champion the children’s and ladies’ ministries that Ann has been leading.
GIVE THANKS that we can visit our children again this summer, and for our second grandson and soon coming first granddaughter.

PRAY that we will be able to hold our first EFCCM Asia retreat in Thailand in October. We have delayed it for 2 years due to covid.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #169

Feb 2022

We have been in the US since just after Christmas Sunday to visit family and keep some medical appointments. We had to postpone our Jan. 26-27 return to Tokyo because we couldn’t get the kind of covid tests that are required by the Japanese government for re-entry. Demand for testing here in Maine was high at the end of January so testing just for travel was almost impossible to find. But we now have the right kind of covid tests lined up and are scheduled to return to Tokyo next week on Feb. 21-22.
  • GIVE THANKS that we were able to spend about a week post-Christmas with our children and that we will be welcoming our second and third grandchildren this year!
  • PRAY for Tokyo Multicultural Church’s financial stability. With covid restrictions in 2020 and 2021 that curtailed in-person gatherings, TMC’s weekly offerings have taken a hit.
  • GIVE THANKS for TMC’s full-time Japanese pastor. PRAY that the Lord will lead us to pastoral or missionary couples for both English and Chinese TMC ministries that are currently led by part-time personnel.
  • GIVE THANKS for EFC of Canada Mission personnel in Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan that we have the privilege of coaching. PRAY for wisdom for those who for various reasons need to define and refine their overseas ministries in the midst of covid concerns and restrictions. PRAY that our EFCCM Asia retreat scheduled for Oct. 10-14 in Pattaya Thailand will be of encouragement to these missionaries and will not need to be postponed because of covid travel restrictions.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #167

Dec 2021

This month’s prayer items are copied from our Dec/2021 - Jan/2022 newsletter—go there to see some pics and further info about the items below.
  • GIVE THANKS for TMC pastoral and lay leaders. PRAY for wisdom as we learn to lead by coaching.
  • GIVE THANKS for several new children at TMC. PRAY for Ann as she encourages others to teach the little ones.
  • GIVE THANKS that we are able to be with our children this Christmas season.
  • GIVE THANKS that the Lord has led the EFCCM to a new Director. PRAY for wisdom, joy, and strength for Ike.
  • PRAY that, Lord willing, we will be able to return to Tokyo in late January.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #166

Nov 2021

This month’s prayer items are copied from our Nov-Dec 2021 newsletter—go there to see some pics and further info about the items below.
  • GIVE THANKS that the Japanese government has been able to end the state of emergency and lift restrictions, allowing us to resume in-person gatherings at TMC.
  • PRAY that as new variants appear we will be Covid-wise at TMC, knowing when and how to resume activities.
  • PRAY that the Lord will lead the EFCCM to just the right Director and Manager of Missionary Care.
  • GIVE THANKS that we had the opportunity to be with all of our children for a short while this summer.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #165

Sep 2021

In late October we are scheduled to return to Tokyo after a few months based in Maine USA.
During 2020-2021 TMC has gathered mostly by zoom throughout four “states of emergency” in Tokyo, with the latest one lasting from April through September. GIVE THANKS that we have been able to develop a minimal on-line format for “doing TMC.” PRAY that as TMC begins to meet in-person once again starting October we will be able to facilitate the Lord’s work in new ways appropriate to our new Covid-aware reality.
TMC’s budget covers monthly facility rental and our Japanese pastor Moto’s salary. But weekly offerings over the past year have taken a hit because of our online-only format. So TMC has become more dependent than expected upon TMC’s church planting fund at EFCCM. PRAY that we will make good financial decisions so that TMC will be able to become self-supporting in the next year or so.
GIVE THANKS that God has called Lucas & Hannah to help pastor the English ministries at TMC. They are bi-vocational so are doing part-time ministry. PRAY that the Lord will lead us to another part-time pastoral couple who can join them to form an English ministries pastoral team at TMC.
GIVE THANKS for a young woman who is blossoming in the Lord and who we are preparing for baptism. PRAY for her continued spiritual growth and for the practical planning of her baptism later in the fall.
We have been hoping to pass the baton to the next generation of leaders at TMC sometime in 2022, while continuing a mentoring role with them from a distance. Lord willing, we would continue serving as EFCCM Ministry Coaches in Asia and Dale would continue teaching theology part-time in Tokyo in modular format. But the date for this kind of change has become a moving target, due to the need for TMC leaders, a decrease in TMC offerings, and Covid. PRAY for wisdom to discern God’s perfect timing for our transition out of TMC. We would like to leave only after TMC has good pastoral leadership and financial stability.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #164

Mar 15, 2021

Dale’s Health
On Feb 11 Dale was hospitalized in Tokyo with a high fever, severe joint pain, and bacterial pneumonia in both lungs. He did not and does not have the new coronavirus, COVID-19. He was cleared of pneumonia and discharged after ten days on Feb 21.
Test results for pain in his joints were available ten days later: “polymyalgia rheumatica” (PMR), in which the immune system attacks healthy tissues resulting in inflammatory arthritis. His treatment is a gradually decreasing dosage of oral steroids for 4-6 weeks until an ongoing, regular dosage can be determined. The doc says he should be better by early- to mid-April. In the meantime, his pain continues, though gradually reducing, and his immune system is compromised. So he has temporarily stepped back from most church planting responsibilities, delegating those to our TMC leadership team.
* GIVE THANKS that Dale’s pneumonia has cleared up.
* PRAY that Dale’s joint pain will go away and that he will gain strength for life and ministry. The only ministry he has had the strength to do in Feb and Mar has been essential emails.
* PRAY for Ann as she has been Dale’s primary care giver.

Travel Plans
Our Asia EFC of Canada Mission retreat in Pattaya, Thailand Mar 30 - Apr 3 that we were leading has been cancelled due to COVID-19. But we are still planning to take our first short home assignment this year from sometime in April to mid-June, based in Maine. We hold our travel plans lightly these days due to COVID-19 and Dale’s health, resting in the assurance that our Lord is both loving and sovereign.
* PRAY for wisdom to know when we should travel.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #152

Mar 14, 2020

Dale’s Health
On Feb 11 Dale was hospitalized in Tokyo with a high fever, severe joint pain, and bacterial pneumonia in both lungs. He did not and does not have the new coronavirus, COVID-19. He was cleared of pneumonia and discharged after ten days on Feb 21.
Test results for pain in his joints were available ten days later: “polymyalgia rheumatica” (PMR), in which the immune system attacks healthy tissues resulting in inflammatory arthritis. His treatment is a gradually decreasing dosage of oral steroids for 4-6 weeks until an ongoing, regular dosage can be determined. The doc says he should be better by early- to mid-April. In the meantime, his pain continues, though gradually reducing, and his immune system is compromised. So he has temporarily stepped back from most church planting responsibilities, delegating those to our TMC leadership team.
* GIVE THANKS that Dale’s pneumonia has cleared up.
* PRAY that Dale’s joint pain will go away and that he will gain strength for life and ministry. The only ministry he has had the strength to do in Feb and Mar has been essential emails.
* PRAY for Ann as she has been Dale’s primary care giver.

Travel Plans
Our Asia EFC of Canada Mission retreat in Pattaya, Thailand Mar 30 - Apr 3 that we were leading has been cancelled due to COVID-19. But we are still planning to take our first short home assignment this year from sometime in April to mid-June, based in Maine. We hold our travel plans lightly these days due to COVID-19 and Dale’s health, resting in the assurance that our Lord is both loving and sovereign.
* PRAY for wisdom to know when we should travel.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #152

Dec 19, 2019

NOTE: This month’s prayer items are copied from our December 2019 newsletter—go there to see pics and further info about the items below.

* GIVE THANKS for the opportunity to share Jesus with children and their parents at Wakuwaku Christmas Family Time.
* PRAY that children will continue to attend our monthly Wakuwaku Family Time.
* PRAY that the gospel of Jesus Christ will continue to transform lives at TMC.
* PRAY that the balance in our TMC Church Planting Startup Fund will increase.
* GIVE THANKS that we can enjoy Christmas in Maine with our children.
* PRAY that the first ever EFCCM Asia retreat will be a time of refreshment and encouragement for our missionaries spread throughout Asia.
* GIVE THANKS for our 23 supporting churches (plus individuals).
* PRAY that our 2020 home assignment ministry will be a blessing.


Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #149

Aug 31, 2019

NOTE: This month’s prayer items are copied from our August 2019 newsletter. Please go there to see pics and further info about the items below.

* PRAISE GOD for our five short term teachers and the nineteen students who came to our summer outreach
English program.
* PRAY for our follow up of those students.
* PRAY for plans, preparation, and volunteers for the monthly family/children’s outreach program beginning
in October.
* PRAY for the continued adjustment of our Japanese Department pastor, Motomichi Harada.
* PRAY for the start of Japanese language worship services in October.
* PRAY that the Lord will raise up future leaders for our Chinese and English Departments.

* PRAY that Dale will be able to communicate, care, network, equip and recruit personnel in his role as EFCCM Regional Ministries Facilitator.
* PRAY for wisdom as both of us connect with Asia EFCCM personnel and try to encourage them when
we drop into their lives once or twice a year.

* PRAY for our adult children as they adjust to the new adventures of their lives.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #146

Jul 15, 2019

TOKYO MULTICULTURAL CHURCH: Summer Outreach English Classes, July 22-26 (M-F)

* GIVE THANKS for our five teachers coming to TMC from EFCA churches in Washington, Minnesota, and Maine.
* Three children’s classes will be held in the morning and three adult classes in the evening. GIVE THANKS that enough students have registered online for us to hold six classes: 9 children and 7 adults so far. All nine of the children are new to us. PRAY that some more students might even register in the next few days.
* Ann is preparing a Bible story for the children’s classes each morning. Pastor Moto is preparing a Bible talk for adults each evening and one Japanese man from TMC will be sharing his testimony. This Bible content is in Japanese. PRAY that each student will come with hearts open to learn about Jesus.
* PRAY that a number of the Japanese students from our summer English classes and Ann’s ongoing classes throughout the year will connect with TMC in the fall months. In October we launch two more Japanese language events: weekly Sunday morning worship services and monthly Sunday afternoon family outreach events.


* GIVE THANKS that in our new regional leadership role we were able to visit all Asia EFCCM personnel in the first half of this year. Traveling to destinations in Asia is relatively simple for us because Tokyo is one of the gateways to Asia.
* PRAY for creativity and perseverance for EFCCM personnel in Asia as they develop and implement ministry platforms for proclaiming and living out the gospel of Jesus Christ.
* PRAY for Dale’s preparation for and leadership of the first EFCCM Asia vision trip October 18-30. Chiang Mai, Manila, Taipei, and Tokyo are on the itinerary. The idea is that these people might become champions for making Christ known in Asia. PRAY that the Lord will provide just the right people for this pilot project. People from churches in both the USA and Canada are welcome to join Dale on this vision trip! Click here for more information.

These monthly prayer requests are found at: http://www.tokyolittles.net/updates/prayer/
EFCCM Asia updates and prayer requests, including a subscription option, can be found here: http://efccm.asia/communication/forefcc/

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #145

May 27, 2019

NOTE: This month’s prayer items are copied from our May 2019 newsletter. Please go there to see pics and further info about the items below.


* PRAY that our TMC family events and Sunday school will reach many children with the wonderful story of Jesus.
* PRAY for our TMC summer outreach English classes:
- Adequate financial and prayer support for teachers.
- A good number of students, both children and adults.
- Planning and preparatory work, including finding the best way to advertise.
- That each student will have an opportunity to learn about Jesus.
* GIVE THANKS for Moto Harada joining our TMC staff. PRAY for a smooth transition as he moves toward leadership of TMC’s Japanese Department. Duane Dietze will be on home assignment for the last half of 2019 so Moto will be taking on plenty of responsibility early on.


* PRAY that our Asia Director travels to visit missionary colleagues in Asia will be a blessing and an encouragement.
* PRAY for Dale’s preparation and leadership of the first EFCCM Asia vision trip in October and that those who join him might consider becoming champions for making Christ known in Asia.


* PRAY for Dale’s preparation for teaching another semester of Contemporary Theology in Japanese at Japan Bible Seminary beginning June (not mentioned above). He has enjoyed this little exercise in theology since 2001.

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #144

Feb 25, 2019


* We are THANKFUL for our Christmas/New Year 2018 family vacation in Maine USA with our six children (3+3) who were all able to join us for some of that time.
* PRAISE GOD! You have prayed for TMC and God is answering. Jesus is building his church at TMC!
* PRAY for TMC as we come to a decision about a Japanese pastoral candidate joining our staff team.
Continue to PRAY that TMC will be able to launch a Japanese worship service in 2019.
* PRAY that the five US volunteers coming to teach outreach English classes at TMC in July will be able to raise funds and begin other preparation. PRAY that we will be able to pull together the logistical details.
* PRAY that God will give us many students!


* PRAY for wisdom for Dale in his new role as Asia Director of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada Mission (http://efccm.asia).

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #141
(NOTE: This month’s prayer items are copied from our February 2019 newsletter.)

Sep 29, 2017


* GIVE THANKS that two adult students from this past summer’s outreach English classes are now attending TMC on Sundays. PRAY that they, along with a few other unbelievers at TMC, might come to faith in Christ.
* GIVE THANKS that TMC has launched a twice a month children’s Sunday school in Japanese (Ann) and a once a month Chinese group in Mandarin (Kevin, EFC Macau Mission), and that our weekly Japanese Bible study is growing (Duane, ReachGlobal). These new events seem to be drawing more people, with worship service attendance regularly over 30 and once over 40.
* PRAY for wisdom as we structure our Sunday gatherings at TMC. Sunday is the only day that most people in Tokyo have available for discretionary activities. In addition to children’s Sunday school, adult Bible study, English worship service, and the Chinese group, we desire to start a teen group in Japanese and a Japanese worship service.
* PRAY that the Lord will supply future young leaders for TMC who will be able to guide the church in celebrating the God-given cultural diversity of Tokyo!


* GIVE THANKS for the encouraging first ever retreat for Japan personnel of our mission agency, Sep. 19–23. We hosted the 13 people at our vacation house in northeastern Japan. It was a much appreciated time of refreshment and connection, providing a glimpse of the EFCCM’s desire to care for its personnel. We were especially grateful that our TMC colleagues from ReachGlobal and the EFC Macau Mission could join us.

2017_09 EFCCMJ retreat 1Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #125