Dec 2024

These prayer items are from our Dec 2024 newsletter. Go there for context and more details.
  • GIVE THANKS for a wonderful Christmas break with our children and grandchildren! PRAY for their continuing growth in the Lord.
  • GIVE THANKS for TMC’s Christmas outreach events. PRAY that those who are just beginning to be introduced to Christ and his love will respond in faith.
  • GIVE THANKS that one man was baptized on Christmas Sunday at TMC! PRAY that his faith in Christ will continue to grow.
  • PRAY that TMC’s offerings will increase.
  • GIVE THANKS for TMC’s younger leaders: Kevin and David & Lina in Chinese ministries, and Bob and Matthew & Ai Hua (coming) in English ministries. PRAY for sending mission agency pathways to open for Kevin and Matthew & Ai Hua (probably Operation Mobilization). PRAY for more funding for David & Lina. And PRAY that the Lord will provide them all with opportunities for leadership development.
  • GIVE THANKS for our faithful support team of churches (see a list here) and individuals. PRAY that we will have adequate financial income for travel and ministry in 2025.

Nov 2024

These prayer items are from our Nov 2024 newsletter, which is about our October trip. Go there for context and more details.

GIVE THANKS that while in Japan and Thailand in Oct, Dale & Ann were able to connect, encourage, and lead both TMC and the Asia ministries of ServeBeyond.
GIVE THANKS that Dale was able to teach the second segment of his modular theology class at Japan Bible Seminary while in Tokyo in Oct.
-GIVE THANKS for TMC’s ongoing encouraging connection with Musashino Chapel Center.
-GIVE THANKS that David & Lina have a new house. Under a Memorandum of Understanding between SIM and ServeBeyond, they are now global workers with ServeBeyond. PRAY for the continuing growth of their disciple making ministries and an increase in their financial support base. To donate to their Ministry Expansion Fund insert #2-2377 here.
-GIVE THANKS that Matthew & Ai Hua will be coming to TMC. PRAY that they will be accepted by a mission agency in Malaysia. PRAY that they will be able to raise funds in various countries. And PRAY that we will be able to develop a Memorandum of Understanding with ServeBeyond for them if required.
GIVE THANKS for the encouraging ServeBeyond Asia retreat in Oct.
GIVE THANKS for our faithful support team of churches and individuals. PRAY that our ministry budget will once again be fully met this year.

Oct 2024

October is a busy month of Asia travel and ministry. Please pray for strength and joy during this trip as we do practical leadership at Tokyo Multicultural Church and encourage ServeBeyond’s Asia workers. See the October 2024 posts under “News and Thoughts” for updates.
  • Joint TMC and MCC Retreat. On the long weekend of Oct 12-14 TMC and Musashino Chapel Center will hold a joint retreat near Mt. Fuji. MCC is the mother church of TMC. We ourselves will participate Sunday evening and Monday morning.
  • New House for David & Lina. We will be visiting David & Lina, TMC Chinese ministries pastoral couple, at their new house. They have been living in temporary housing since their fall 2023 arrival in Tokyo.
  • Asia ServeBeyond Retreat. On the long weekend of Oct 18-21 we will be leading a ServeBeyond Asia retreat in Krabi Thailand for networking, encouraging and onboarding.
  • TMC Worship Services. We will be at TMC worship services on Oct 13 and 27.
  • Decision About Inviting a TMC English Ministries Pastoral Couple. On Oct 27 TMC members will decide whether to invite Matthew & Ai Hua at a Members’ Meeting led by Dale. They are from Malaysia and are native English speakers but also speak Chinese. They both have MDiv degrees from Malaysia and Matthew also has a DMin. They have been pastoring a Chinese church north of Tokyo for five years and are looking for an English based ministry.
  • Seminary Teaching. Dale will teach the last half of his modular Contemporary Theology seminary class in Japanese Oct 26, 29, and 30. This is his 22nd year of teaching part-time at Japan Bible Seminary.
  • One on one visits. We will be meeting individually with TMC leaders, members and attenders at various places in Tokyo.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #189

Sep 2024

These prayer items are from our Sep 2024 newsletter, and most are about leadership development at TMC. Go there for more details.
  • PRAY that the Lord might guide TMC members as we decide whether to invite this Malaysian couple now in the candidate process for English ministries. We’ll be making the decision at our Members’ Meeting on Oct. 27.
  • PRAY for wisdom as we continue developing and encouraging TMC’s English ministries pastoral team (Bob plus hopefully the couple now in the candidate process) and Chinese ministries team (David & Lina along with Kevin).
  • PRAY that the Lord will raise up a leader for our Japanese ministries.
  • PRAY for our planning and leading of ServeBeyond’s Asia retreat Oct. 18-21.
  • GIVE THANKS for the two good previous trips we had to Asia this year! And PRAY for the Lord’s blessing on our upcoming trip, Oct. 5-31.
  • GIVE THANKS that the Lord is giving us good health and that our financial support team is providing adequate financial support. We are well aware that our TMC and wider Asia ministries are dependent upon both.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #188

June-July 2024

These prayer items are from our July 2024 newsletter. Go there for more details.
  • GIVE THANKS that during our trip to Japan in June we were able to encourage a number of the young leaders at TMC, and Dale was able to lead both a Leadership Team meeting and a Members’ Meeting. We try to pack a lot into our 3-4 week TMC visits three times a year!…and this time was no exception.
  • GIVE THANKS that a well qualified couple is now considering joining TMC as English ministries leaders. PRAY for TMC and this couple as both parties consider over the next several months whether this would be a good fit. We are hopeful!
  • PRAY that as Dale tries to transition from leading to advising TMC, the Lord will enable TMC’s new and younger leaders to step up to the plate.
  • GIVE THANKS that Ann was able to care for her mother during her first weeks out of the hospital and that her mother is now doing much better.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #187

May 2024

This month’s prayer items are copied from our May 2024 newsletter—go there to see the context for the items below.

PRAY that during our trip to Japan in June we might be able to encourage and mentor the young leaders at TMC. In addition, we look forward to plenty of one-on-one time with others. Dale preaches once, guides a Leadership Team meeting, and leads a congregational meeting. He will also teach his annual modular theology class at Japan Bible Seminary.

PRAY that the Lord will raise up leaders for TMC’s English and Japanese ministries, both men and women. PRAY that we will patiently wait for the Lord’s timing for turning over hands-on leadership responsibilities to others.

PRAISE God for TMC’s children. PRAY for the parents and teachers as they teach the children in Sunday school and find ways to include children in the worship service in our small one room facility.

GIVE THANKS that since Sep/2023 TMC has not needed any subsidy from its ServeBeyond church planting fund (Dale & Ann’s Ministry Expansion Fund #2-2302). This is partly due to providing smaller stipends for TMC pastors. But this is not sustainable over the long haul and makes it difficult to recruit new pastors. So TMC’s budget should probably be increased soon. PRAY that TMC offerings might increase to cover higher stipends while continuing to cover rental facility costs.

PRAY for wisdom and energy to plan our Asia ServeBeyond retreat in Thailand, Oct. 11-14. PRAY that those who come will be encouraged to faithfully and joyfully continue their missional ministries.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #186

Mar-Apr 2024

In Feb-Mar we have been and will be in Asia. On Sundays in Tokyo we serve at Tokyo Multicultural Church, our church planting project, and meet during the week with TMC lay and pastoral leaders. In Hong Kong, Macau, and Thailand we visit ServeBeyond global workers, partners, and projects.
  • PRAY for safety, good health, and the working out of so many travel and rendezvous details: Asia flights to/from Tokyo Narita airport, hotels, meeting times and places, etc.
  • PRAY that the Lord will provide TMC with an English ministries pastoral couple to join our current part-time bi-vocational English pastor. Click here to see recruitment email.
  • GIVE THANKS for what the Lord is doing through ServeBeyond ministries in Asia, all the way from church planting and evangelism to meeting social needs in the name of Jesus.
  • PRAY that while in Chiang Mai, Thailand we will be able to make arrangements for our second Asia ServeBeyond retreat, this time in October.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #185

Feb 2024

During the first 3 weeks of February we will be visiting TMC for in-person coaching and leadership. Dale will lead a monthly leadership team meeting (as he normally does) and a congregational meeting. Both Dale & Ann will be meeting one-on-one with various members and leaders, typically at coffee shops or restaurants.
  • PRAY that the Lord will provide TMC with an English ministries pastoral couple to join our current part-time bi-vocational English pastor. Click here to see recruitment email.
  • PRAY that TMC’s Chinese ministries full-time pastoral couple will continue to make good strides toward taking increasing leadership responsibilities.
  • PRAY that our one-on-one meetings will be an encouragement and blessing.
During the last week of February and the first week of March we look forward to connecting with ServeBeyond global workers, partners, and projects in Hong Kong, Macau and Thailand.
  • PRAY for safety, good health, and the working out of last minute travel details.
  • GIVE THANKS for what the Lord is doing through ServeBeyond ministries in Asia, all the way from church planting and evangelism to helping meet social needs.
  • PRAY that while we are in Thailand we might be able to make arrangements for our second Asia ServeBeyond retreat, probably in October.

(infographic from omf.org)
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #184