Dec 28, 2018


* GIVE THANKS for the not-yet-Christians who heard the gospel at TMC’s Christmas events. And PRAY for their salvation.
* PRAY that Ann will have opportunities to share Jesus with the ladies she teaches.
* PRAY for more children for TMC Sunday School.
* PRAY that we will be able to launch a Japanese worship service at TMC in 2019.
* PRAY for short term teachers for TMC’s outreach English classes in July.
* PRAY for future leaders who will continue to establish TMC. We look forward to working with these future leaders.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #139
(NOTE: This month’s prayer items are copied from our December 2018 newsletter.)

Nov 20, 2018


* PRAY for all the preparation for TMC’s outreach events in Nov and Dec: Nov 25 American Thanksgiving meal, Dec 16 Family Christmas, Dec 23 Christmas worship and caroling, and Dec 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight service. PRAY that TMC people will joyfully get involved in each event. PRAY that we will be able to reach out to many not-yet-Christians.

* PRAY for comfort and strength for O-san’s wife and two adult daughters, who are followers of Jesus. He passed away unexpectedly of a heart attack in Sep at the age of 59. He was probably the most central member of our Japanese Department and has left a big hole in his family and at TMC.

* PRAY for wisdom as we develop an organizational foundation for TMC.

* PRAY for future leaders who will continue to establish TMC and work toward launching a second TMC. We look forward to working with these future leaders.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #138
(NOTE: This month’s prayer items are copied from our November 2018 newsletter.)

Oct 8, 2018


for TMC’s first ever retreat over a long weekend in Sep. Worship services on that Sunday were held both at TMC and at the retreat. Given that 18 adults and 2 children attended we are planning to do it again next year!

* PRAY for comfort and strength for O-san’s wife and two adult daughters, who are followers of Jesus. O-san passed away unexpectedly of a heart attack at the age of 59. He was probably the most central member of our Japanese Department. He has left a big hole not only in his family but also at TMC. We are thankful for the many happy memories of him at our retreat the week before he died (note his smile in the pic). We will hold a memorial fellowship with his wife and daughters at TMC on Oct 21.

* PRAY for wisdom as we develop an organizational foundation for TMC in the next few months: write up TMC documents, define leadership roles, etc. TMC is high on relationship but has been low on organization. We want to continue the relational emphasis while at the same time providing a church structure that will position TMC for its future enlargement phase.

* PRAY that participants in TMC’s four small groups that meet twice a month will grow deeper in their relationship with Christ and each other. Discussion questions are based on the most recent Sunday sermon.

* PRAY for future leaders who will continue to establish TMC and work toward launching TMC #2. We look forward to working with these future leaders.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #137

Sep 8, 2018


After August’s record-breaking heat two major natural disasters battered Japan in early September. The strongest typhoon in 25 years made landfall in Western Japan, with its wind and floods wreaking havoc in the cities of Kobe and Osaka. Then a 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of Sapporo on the northern island of Hokkaido that rarely has earthquakes. This quake actually registered at the top of the Japanese earthquake scale.

* PRAY for protection for believers so that they can show the love of Christ in practical ways to neighbors and friends. Nobody wants to suffer through these kinds of disasters. But when they occur, all within God’s sovereignty even in natural disaster prone Japan, we want to remain faithful. We are thankful to have been able to use our Disaster Preparedness Expansion Fund to stock disaster supplies at two places including TMC.


* GIVE THANKS that we were able to participate in the once every other year EFC of Canada Conference in early August in Lethbridge Alberta. We re-connected with EFCC/M leaders as well as supporting church pastors and leaders. We then enjoyed over one week in Maine with Ann’s mother and several of our children.


* GIVE THANKS that several people in two of our supporting churches have expressed an interest in teaching in TMC’s outreach English program next July. Both children and adults attend the conversational English classes.

* PRAY that participants in TMC’s newly started four small groups that meet twice a month will grow deeper in their relationship with Christ and each other. Discussion questions are based on the most recent Sunday sermon.

* PRAY for future leaders who will continue to establish TMC and work toward launching TMC #2. Most of TMC’s current missionary staff will likely retire by 2022.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #136

Jul 17, 2018


for the team of five from Macau who came to TMC in early July and energetically distributed advertisements for the 10-day August Hong Kong Bible Conference that is live-streamed to many churches around the world, this year also to TMC. This effort is led by TMC’s Chinese Department.

* PRAY for the half dozen Japanese seekers at TMC who attend Sunday worship services regularly but have not yet decided to follow Christ. There are many cultural barriers to making a commitment to Christ in Japan.

* PRAY that participants in TMC’s small groups to be launched in Sep will grow deeper in their relationship with Christ and each other. These groups will discuss questions based on the most recent Sunday sermon.

* PRAY for short term teachers for TMC's July 2019 English program. (We had to cancel the program this summer because of lack of teachers.) We would like a minimum of two teachers each summer for these children and adult conversational English classes.

* PRAY for future leaders for TMC who will continue to establish TMC and work toward launching TMC #2. Most of TMC’s current missionary staff will likely retire by 2022.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #135

Jun 25, 2018


* GIVE THANKS for donors who have contributed about US$3500 over the past several years to our Disaster Preparedness project in our Ministry Expansion Fund. That financial project is now complete. So we have purchased helmets, emergency food and water supplies, blankets, lights, toilet alternatives and supplies, two generators, and one storage shed. Some of these supplies require ongoing purchases (water, food, batteries, etc.). The items are stored in three accessible locations, including TMC.

Tokyo, the world’s largest megacity, is prone to disasters such as earthquakes and flooding. In addition, an eruption of Mt. Fuji, an active volcano 100 kilometers west of Tokyo, would seriously affect the residents of Tokyo. It is predicted that there is a 70% possibility of an earthquake directly hitting Tokyo within the next 30 years.

So the Tokyo metropolitan government requires companies and organizations to be prepared for earthquakes, tsunami, and volcanic eruptions by having five days of emergency supplies ready. Our large apartment complex’s Disaster Preparedness Board, of which Dale is a member, has implemented its own plan. We have too.

Tokyo Disaster Prevention Website (English): http://www.bousai.metro.tokyo.jp/foreign/english/index.html
2018_06 Bousai Book
Japanese people are the second largest unreached people group in the world, with the Christian population of Japan being less than one percent. So of the approximately 40 million people in greater Tokyo, over 39 million do not know Jesus Christ and most have never met a follower of Christ. Natural disasters have provided opportunities for sharing the love of Christ in practical and effective ways in Japan.

* PRAY that we will be able to clothe our church planting ministry with practical Christ-centered compassion when natural disasters strike.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #134

May 30, 2018


* GIVE THANKS for God’s faithfulness to TMC over the last five years and for our ministry support team. TMC quietly turned 5 years old on April 8, the Sunday after Easter. In 2013 we began with 8 people in attendance at Sunday worship services and now see 25-35.
* PRAY that TMC will be able to launch small groups and a Japanese worship service in 2018.
* PRAY for growth for our Japanese language ministry: children’s Sunday school and adult Bible study.
* PRAY for a missionary pastor for TMC who will carry the TMC vision beyond 2020, including envisioning and launching TMC#2. We look forward to serving alongside this leadership team in the years to come!

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #133
(NOTE: This month’s prayer items are copied from our May 2018 newsletter.)

Apr 20, 2018


2018_04_08-6 (2)
* GIVE THANKS for the 50 people who joined TMC for worship on Easter Sunday! We launched TMC five years ago on the Sunday after Easter with an attendance of 8.

that we will be able to start small groups so that TMC people will go deeper in the word of God and in their relationships with one another.

* PRAY that Ann’s weekly TMC Sunday school class for young children will encourage parents to raise their children to love and obey Christ. And PRAY that moms and tots from Ann’s outreach English classes will want to begin attending the Sunday school class.

* PRAY that the Lord will supply 3-5 teachers for TMC’s outreach English conversation classes, July 20-31 (class days: Jul 23-27). This summer ministry connects TMC with new contacts for ongoing outreach to Japanese people during the rest of the year. Students range in age from three years old (the beginning of pre-school and kindergarten in Japan) through adults. We expect about twenty students for the five days of teaching.

* PRAY that the Lord will raise up missionary/pastoral leaders for TMC who will carry the vision beyond 2020, including launching TMC#2. We look forward to serving with this leadership team in the years to come! (Current missionary leaders are from Canada, USA, and Macau.)

Thank you for Praying for the Tokyo Littles! – PTL #132

Mar 30, 2018


that the Lord will supply 3-5 teachers for TMC’s outreach English conversation classes, July 20-31 (class days: Jul 23-27). This summer ministry connects TMC with new contacts for ongoing outreach to Japanese people during the rest of the year. Students range in age from three years old (the beginning of pre-school and kindergarten in Japan) through adults. We expect about twenty students for the five days of teaching.

* PRAY that the Lord will raise up missionary/pastoral leaders for TMC who will carry the vision beyond 2020, including launching TMC#2. We look forward to serving with this leadership team in the years to come! (Current missionary leaders are from Canada, USA, and Macau.)

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #131

Feb 28, 2018


that the Lord will supply 3-5 teachers for TMC’s outreach English conversation classes, July 20-31 (class days: Jul 23-27). This summer ministry connects TMC with new contacts for ongoing outreach to Japanese people during the rest of the year. Students range in age from three years old (the beginning of pre-school and kindergarten in Japan) through adults. We expect about twenty students for the five days of teaching. Interested? Contact Dale here. (Pic above from our Jul 2017 classes.)

* PRAY that the Lord will raise up missionary/pastoral leaders for TMC who will carry the vision beyond 2020, including launching TMC#2. Partnering options are being discussed with a large mission agency in Japan. We look forward to serving with this leadership team in the years to come! (Current leaders are from Canada, USA, and Macau.)

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #130

Jan 29, 2018


* GIVE THANKS for the 15 TMC members and attenders who came to our first TMC membership meeting on January 21. We glanced back over the past several years, looked forward to our 2018 lineup of events, and opened the floor for discussion of several issues.
* PRAY that members will take increasing responsibility in decision making as TMC defines and refines its leadership structure.
* GIVE THANKS that by the end of 2017 TMC attenders were covering almost all of TMC’s monthly rental costs! The shortfall has been handled by our EFCCM Ministry Enhancement Fund. If we don’t need that fund for TMC in 2018 we hope to use it for beginning TMC#2’s launch fund.
* PRAY that the Lord will raise up missionary/pastoral leaders who will carry the TMC vision beyond 2020, including envisioning and launching TMC#2. We look forward to leading such a team in the years to come! This is TMC’s most important and urgent prayer request for 2018.

2018_01_21-4 TMC Data

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #129