Dec 23, 2017

* GIVE THANKS for the parents and their children who joined us for TMC Kids Christmas.
* PRAY that those who don’t attend TMC on Sundays will continue coming to TMC outreach events.
* PRAISE God for the approximately thirty people who call TMC their church.
* PRAY that each will find ways of serving and growing.
* PRAY that the few “yet to believe” TMC attenders will confess Jesus as Lord in the new year.
* PRAY: TMC’s most urgent need is for future missionary/pastoral leaders who will carry the TMC vision beyond 2020, including envisioning and launching TMC#2. We look forward to leading this leadership team in the years to come!
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #128
(NOTE: This month’s prayer items are copied from our December 2017 newsletter.)
Nov 25, 2017
* GIVE THANKS for the opportunities Dale has for continuing to teach theology part time. This month Dale completed his 15th year of teaching Contemporary Theology in Japanese at Japan Bible Seminary (Tokyo).
* PRAISE GOD for opportunities to share about Christ at our ongoing English conversation classes at TMC.
* PRAY that the English students now attending TMC, along with a few other unbelievers, might come to faith in Christ.
* GIVE THANKS that TMC programs and personal relationships seem to be drawing more people. TMC encompasses both Japanese people and those who hold other passports. Of the thirty adults now attending TMC about a third are Japanese.
* PRAY that all who attend TMC will grow in their knowledge of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.
* PRAY that the Lord will supply future leaders for TMC. TMC’s most urgent need is for future missionary/pastoral leaders who will carry the TMC vision beyond 2020. This entails launching TMC#2.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #127
(NOTE: This month’s prayer items are mostly copied from our Nov 2017 newsletter.)
Oct 30, 2017

This fall we have also launched a twice a month children’s Sunday school in Japanese (Ann), a once a month Chinese group in Mandarin (Kevin, EFC Macau Mission), and a once a month high school gathering in Japanese (Kevin). Duane continues with his weekly Japanese Bible study on Sunday mornings.
* PRAY for our Sun Nov 26 Thanksgiving outreach in Japanese. We are encouraging TMCers to invite their Japanese friends and family to this 5pm turkey meal followed by biblical teaching on giving thanks. In general, Japanese people know very little about either turkey or God’s grace in Jesus Christ that generates joy and thanks.
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #126
Sep 29, 2017
* GIVE THANKS that two adult students from this past summer’s outreach English classes are now attending TMC on Sundays. PRAY that they, along with a few other unbelievers at TMC, might come to faith in Christ.

* PRAY for wisdom as we structure our Sunday gatherings at TMC. Sunday is the only day that most people in Tokyo have available for discretionary activities. In addition to children’s Sunday school, adult Bible study, English worship service, and the Chinese group, we desire to start a teen group in Japanese and a Japanese worship service.
* PRAY that the Lord will supply future young leaders for TMC who will be able to guide the church in celebrating the God-given cultural diversity of Tokyo!
* GIVE THANKS for the encouraging first ever retreat for Japan personnel of our mission agency, Sep. 19–23. We hosted the 13 people at our vacation house in northeastern Japan. It was a much appreciated time of refreshment and connection, providing a glimpse of the EFCCM’s desire to care for its personnel. We were especially grateful that our TMC colleagues from ReachGlobal and the EFC Macau Mission could join us.
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #125
Aug 24, 2017

* PRAY that they will continue to honor God in seeking his will for their lives. Now that they have completed their honeymoon in Malta, they are setting up their first home in Manchester, New Hampshire, where Victoria works in retail clothing management and Matthew continues launching his entrepreneurial business endeavors.
* GIVE THANKS for the opportunity to once again share the gospel at our one week summer English conversation classes. The seven children with their moms and the six students in the adult classes all heard about Jesus Christ in Japanese each day.
* PRAY that the moms will want to send their children to Ann’s weekly moms and tots class in the fall where they will continue to learn English as well as Bible stories.
* PRAY that the two adult students who have been attending TMC on Sundays since the summer classes ended will continue to join us on Sundays and that they might come to faith in Christ.
* PRAY for wisdom and strength for Ann as she prepares to launch TMC’s bi-weekly Japanese Sunday school for young children in September.
* GIVE THANKS for the opportunity Dale had last fall to teach Church Planting Theology at ACTS Seminaries (BC Canada), live-streamed from Tokyo.
* PRAY that Dale’s Contemporary Theology class this semester (Apr–Oct) at Japan Bible Seminary will help his students critically read Christian theology so that they might be better prepared to keep their theological balance after entering the pastorate. This is Dale’s 15th year of teaching this course in Japanese.
(Discover more about each of these prayer items in our News updates.)
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #124
Jul 20, 2017
* PRAISE GOD for the opportunities we had to share in 15 of our supporting churches on home assignment during the first half of 2017. Give thanks for their faithful prayer and financial support.
* PRAY for new opportunities to share the gospel during TMC’s intensive summer English classes, July 24-29.
* GIVE THANKS that the Forster family from Hillside EFC in Greenbank WA, one of our supporting churches, will be helping us teach the classes.
* PRAY for Ann’s preparation for starting our TMC Sunday School this fall. Pray that the children will give their hearts to Jesus Christ early in their lives.
* PRAY for wisdom as we consider how and when to expand our TMC Sunday events to include Japanese and Chinese language gatherings. Currently, we have a Japanese Bible study and an English worship service on Sundays. We’d like to add time slots for a Japanese Sunday School, a Japanese worship service, and a Chinese gathering.
* PRAY that the Lord will raise up leaders to serve in TMC’s multi-language environment.

Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #123
Jun 10, 2017

* PRAY for TMC’s summer English outreach program, July 24–29: distribution of advertisements, a good response to the advertisements, full classes, and preparation for the short term teachers who are coming. The Foster family from Hillside EFC in Greenbank WA, one of our supporting churches, will be joining us.
* PRAY for our plans to start a Sunday School at TMC: timing, curriculum, students, teachers, and helpers. Pray that the children will give their hearts to Jesus Christ early in their lives.
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #122
May 13, 2017
* GIVE THANKS that during our six-month home assignment in the first half of 2017 we have been able to solidify our connections with many of our partnering churches.
* PRAY for safety as we continue to drive and fly many miles in Canada and the US before returning to Tokyo in mid-June.
* GIVE THANKS that Jesus Christ is building his church that we are planting at TMC!
* PRAY for strength and encouragement for Jon Prins (EFCCM) as he leads TMC during our home assignment.
* PRAY for more opportunities to teach about Jesus Christ in our outreach English classes, especially during our one week intensive English classes July 24–29.
* PRAY for church planting leaders for each of our future language-specific departments, especially Chinese Mandarin.
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #121
Mar 19, 2017

Arvid Olson notes in his book "The Historical Development of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada Missions" that Dad was the "Father of Canadian Free Church Missions'' (p. 57).
* GIVE THANKS for the spiritual and numerical growth we are seeing in our church planting project at Tokyo Multicultural Church. Jesus Christ is building his church that we are planting at TMC!
* PRAY for strength and encouragement for Jon Prins (EFCCM) as he leads TMC during the remaining months of our home assignment.
* PRAY for wisdom and peace for Duane Dietze (ReachGlobal) as he has had to return to the US for three months to find solutions for his mother’s aging needs.
* GIVE THANKS that Kevin and Grace from the EFC of Macau have joined our TMC missionary leadership team.
* PRAY for more opportunities to interact about the biblical truths of Jesus Christ with the parents of the children in TMC’s outreach English classes.
* PRAY that in the remaining three months of our six-month home assignment we will clearly communicate our ministry, especially our church planting at TMC and our vision to launch TMC#2.
* PRAY for safety as we drive and fly many miles, visiting supporting churches.
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #119
Jan 31, 2017
* GIVE THANKS for the spiritual and numerical growth we are seeing in our church planting project at Tokyo Multicultural Church! Jesus Christ is building his church that we are planting at TMC!
* PRAY for wisdom, strength, and encouragement for Duane Dietze (ReachGlobal) and Jon Prins (EFCCM) as they lead TMC during our home assignment.
* PRAY for more opportunities to interact about the biblical truths of Jesus Christ with the parents of the children in TMC’s outreach English classes.
* PRAY that on our six-month home assignment we will clearly communicate our ministry, especially our church planting at TMC and our vision to launch TMC#2.
* PRAY for temporary housing for us in greater Vancouver BC area Feb 6 - Apr 20.
* PRAY for safety as we drive and fly many miles.
* GIVE THANKS that God has led each of our children to life partners of his choosing.
* PRAY that each will continue to honor the Lord in seeking his will for their lives.
Thank you for Praying for The Littles! – PTL #118
(NOTE: Jan 2017 prayer items are copied from our Dec 2016 prayer letter.)