Dec 2024
These prayer items are from our Dec 2024 newsletter. Go there for context and more details.
- GIVE THANKS for a wonderful Christmas break with our children and grandchildren! PRAY for their continuing growth in the Lord.
- GIVE THANKS for TMC’s Christmas outreach events. PRAY that those who are just beginning to be introduced to Christ and his love will respond in faith.
- GIVE THANKS that one man was baptized on Christmas Sunday at TMC! PRAY that his faith in Christ will continue to grow.
- PRAY that TMC’s offerings will increase.
- GIVE THANKS for TMC’s younger leaders: Kevin and David & Lina in Chinese ministries, and Bob and Matthew & Ai Hua (coming) in English ministries. PRAY for sending mission agency pathways to open for Kevin and Matthew & Ai Hua (probably Operation Mobilization). PRAY for more funding for David & Lina. And PRAY that the Lord will provide them all with opportunities for leadership development.
- GIVE THANKS for our faithful support team of churches (see a list here) and individuals. PRAY that we will have adequate financial income for travel and ministry in 2025.