TMC Christmas 2024
23 Dec 2024
2024 Christmas events at TMC included:

-Children’s event, including Bible story, games, treats, etc.

-Christmas meal together after worship service.

-And one baptism. PTL!

-Children’s event, including Bible story, games, treats, etc.

-Christmas meal together after worship service.

-And one baptism. PTL!
TMC Young Adult Hike
09 Nov 2024

TMC young adults enjoyed a Japanese holiday on Nov. 9 by hiking up Mt. Takao on the west side of Tokyo.
New TMC English Ministries Pastoral Couple
31 Oct 2024
Follow-up from Sep 16 post, “Possible Full-Time TMC English Ministries Couple.”

On Sunday Oct 27 TMC members voted to invite Matthew & Ai Hua as full-time English ministries pastoral couple. A few days later they accepted. Praise the Lord! The Wongs are from Malaysia and are native English speakers but also speak Chinese. They both have MDiv degrees from Malaysia and Matthew also has a DMin.
They have been pastoring a Chinese church north of Tokyo that has sponsored their Japanese visas. They will now need to find a sending mission agency in Malaysia. Their legal receiving agency in Japan can be ServeBeyond through a longstanding agreement with ReachGlobal (EFCA). TMC can only supply the Wongs with a stipend so they will need to raise funds before coming to TMC—perhaps spring next year.

On Sunday Oct 27 TMC members voted to invite Matthew & Ai Hua as full-time English ministries pastoral couple. A few days later they accepted. Praise the Lord! The Wongs are from Malaysia and are native English speakers but also speak Chinese. They both have MDiv degrees from Malaysia and Matthew also has a DMin.
They have been pastoring a Chinese church north of Tokyo that has sponsored their Japanese visas. They will now need to find a sending mission agency in Malaysia. Their legal receiving agency in Japan can be ServeBeyond through a longstanding agreement with ReachGlobal (EFCA). TMC can only supply the Wongs with a stipend so they will need to raise funds before coming to TMC—perhaps spring next year.
TMC Worship Oct 24
25 Oct 2024

On our last Sunday at Tokyo Multicultural Church during our October trip to Asia, David preached in Chinese while Lina interpreted into English. Most Sundays are in English with options for Japanese speakers. But bilingual worship is twice a month, once Japanese/English and once Chinese/English.

Sunday worship attendance numbers seem to be bouncing back.
New House for David and Lina
16 Oct 2024

David & Lina, TMC Chinese ministries pastoral couple, had been living in temporary housing since their fall 2023 arrival in Tokyo. But in early October they moved into a brand new house purchased for missionary use by faithful supporters in their home country. What a surprise and a blessing for them! We enjoyed visiting them in their new home on Oct 15.
TMC Retreat
13 Oct 2024

For the first time in over 10 years TMC gathered with Musashino Chapel Center (Tokyo Musashino EFC) for a retreat, this time Oct 12-14 (Sat-Mon) near Mt. Fuji. It was good for TMC people to join with a larger group of believers for fellowship. The total number was probably about 120, with 12 adults from TMC (pictured). We were able to participate Sunday evening and enjoyed renewing acquaintances with people from MCC.
We pastored the English Department of MCC from 2007-2010 with the understanding that MCC would help us plant our next (and third) church in Japan. So MCC became the “mother church” or “primary partner church” of TMC, and in 2013 we were sent out from MCC on the west side of Tokyo in order to launch TMC on the east side of Tokyo.
TMC Worship Oct 13
12 Oct 2024

It was a joy to join in worship at TMC on October 13, this time with Becky leading the service.
Possible Full-Time TMC English Ministries Couple
16 Sep 2024

On Sunday Sep 15 a possible pastoral couple for full-time English ministries officially visited TMC for the first time as candidates. Well actually, only the husband came because their two young boys caught a virus so were unable to visit as a family. Pic is of him preaching (black shirt) through interpretation. This young couple is from Malaysia and highly qualified. For example, they have both earned MDiv degrees and he also has a DMin. Their native language is English but they also speak Chinese and a little Japanese. They are currently pastoring a Chinese church north of Tokyo and are hoping to move to a church where they can minister primarily in English.
On Oct 27 TMC members will vote on whether to invite them. Dale will lead that Members’ Meeting when Dale & Ann are in Tokyo. Read More…
From Leading to Advising at TMC
13 Sep 2024
Dale is trying to transition from leading to advising at Tokyo Multicultural Church. Ann has already made the transition in her areas of responsibility. After this transition Dale & Ann would continue to connect with TMC in their role as ServeBeyond Regional Coordinators for Asia because TMC is a ServeBeyond project.
However, TMC’s current pastors cannot yet lead monthly Leadership Team meetings and quarterly Members’ Meetings, as well as provide general church oversight. Only one of them is gifted to take on that kind of leadership, and that would be too much for them. Nevertheless, one gifted couple is now interested in a full-time English ministries pastoral role at TMC.
However, TMC’s current pastors cannot yet lead monthly Leadership Team meetings and quarterly Members’ Meetings, as well as provide general church oversight. Only one of them is gifted to take on that kind of leadership, and that would be too much for them. Nevertheless, one gifted couple is now interested in a full-time English ministries pastoral role at TMC.
Dale & Ann are well aware that guiding TMC through this important leadership transition is contingent upon their own good health and adequate financial income from their support team in Canada and the US.
Part-Time TMC English Ministries Pastor
11 Sep 2024

Bob, who is from Zambia, is TMC’s part-time English ministers pastor. He is married to a gifted Japanese lady and they have 3 small children. He works as an English teacher. He preaches monthly at TMC, sends out email announcements, and leads a small group. Bob has a BA from Tokyo Christian University and hopes to continue his part-time online theological studies at a seminary in South Africa.
Full-Time TMC Chinese Ministries Couple
10 Sep 2024

In the fall of 2023 David & Lina became TMC’s full-time Chinese ministries pastoral couple. David has an MDiv and DMin from Fuller Seminary, taken in Chinese mostly in Hong Kong. For the past year they have been patiently living in temporary housing, graciously provided by ReachGlobal (EFC of America). PTL that they will be able to move into their rental house this week!…miraculously supplied by donors in their home country. They are enthusiastic in serving not only in Chinese ministries at TMC, but also in overall church leadership. Read More…
Part-Time TMC Chinese Ministries Pastor
09 Sep 2024

Kevin from the EFC of Macau is TMC’s part-time Chinese ministries pastor. He and his wife Grace have been at TMC for more than seven years. Kevin has a BA from Tokyo Christian University and is studying part-time online for his MDiv degree at a Chinese seminary in Los Angeles. They are planning to move there for his final year of study beginning late 2025.
TMC Visit in Jun
27 Jun 2024

We were at TMC on the Sundays of June 9, 16, and 23, with Dale preaching on June 16. During the weekdays each of us met one-on-one with some members or attenders. David & Lina Cheng are taking the lead in many ways, not only in Chinese ministries. This is the kind of leadership we are nurturing at TMC.
In June David & Lina became Mission Associates with ServeBeyond, seconded under a Memorandum of Understanding with their primary mission agency, SIM in Singapore. You can donate to their account #2-2377 at The two mission agencies are partnering in mission for planting and establishing TMC.
In the middle of our Tokyo trip Ann returned to Maine to care for her 95 year old mother who had been hospitalized shortly after we arrived in Japan. Her mother was discharged but needed Ann’s help at home. June-July is hectic strawberry season on the family farm, so Ann’s sister, who is mom’s primary caregiver, was grateful that Ann was able to help with mom. We are thankful that mom is now doing much better.
Children are Welcome at TMC
25 Apr 2024

Tokyo Multicultural Church is like a one-room school (remember those?). We meet in one large room (at least by Japan standards) on the first floor of a business building. All TMC activities happen there, including children’s ministries. Some children come to TMC’s twice a month Sunday school and some only come during the worship service that follows (they live further away). The total number is about a dozen. For a few months a play corner was set up at the back of the church for them during the worship service, behind a divider. But hey, legos on hard table tops can be noisy!…as well as the excitement that goes with them. So recently the children’s ministry team has been focusing on how to incorporate the children into the worship service by preparing things for them to do. (In Japan and many Asian countries, the worship service is seen as for adults, not children.) This attempt to welcome the children into TMC worship services seems to be working, at least for the moment. Ann has been coaching the children’s ministry team along in this direction.
TMC Visit in Feb
28 Feb 2024

We were in Tokyo Feb 4 - 23 for in-person coaching and leadership at Tokyo Multicultural Church. Dale led another monthly leadership team meeting (as he normally does but often by zoom) and a congregational meeting. Dale & Ann both met one-on-one with various TMC members and leaders, usually at coffee shops or restaurants. One highlight was a visit by two ladies from EFC of Lethbridge (Alberta, Canada), one of our primary supporting/partner churches.
TMC Additions and Subtractions
20 Feb 2024

For the past few years our focus has been to recruit and onboard new young pastoral/missionary staff for TMC ministries so the church can be established and we can transition out of our overall leadership role. In 2023 the Lord faithfully sent us Bob & Keiko for part-time English ministries and David & Lina for full-time Chinese ministries. Praise the Lord!
But one development over the past few months feels as if it is moving us in the wrong direction: TMC’s Japanese ministers pastor will be moving on from TMC. Dale has always had a good relationship with this pastor who joined TMC in 2019, and that positive connection continued through Dale’s numerous discussions with him about leaving. Since 2023 TMC has only been able to pay him a stipend rather than a salary. So he needed to consider other pastoral options. However, because of the expectation in Japan (not at TMC) that both husband and wife of a Japanese pastoral couple serve the church, he felt his gifts would be better used outside a full-time pastorate. So as of April he will take secular employment and perhaps develop a part-time ministry. May God bless him and his family as he goes!…and TMC as we seek the Lord’s will for leadership in our Japanese ministries.
TMC 2023 Christmas in Tokyo
30 Dec 2023

Christmas 2023 at TMC included a children’s event, potluck, and caroling in the part—in addition to worship services celebrating Advent and Christmas Day.

Sep-Oct in Japan and Asia
18 Oct 2023
Our first trip to Japan in 2023 was in Feb, the second in Jun, and the third from Sep 23 - Oct 21. For the first 10 days of our fall trip we visited Chiang Mai and Singapore as part of our Asia Regional Coordinator role with ServeBeyond. The rest of the time we focused on guiding Tokyo Multicultural Church through leadership transition, Dale meeting one-on-one with pastors and Ann with some of the ladies.

The highlight was meeting David & Lina Cheng in-person for the first time. They had arrived with their two children via Hong Kong just a few weeks earlier in order to begin serving as TMC’s full-time Chinese ministries couple. We met with them for orientation to both Tokyo and TMC, as well as to ServeBeyond because they are seconded from SIM Singapore, their sending mission agency. For the next few months we will continue providing them with orientation over zoom a couple times a month. Then after that we will meet with them every 4-6 weeks as we do with most of our ServeBeyond global workers in Asia.
While in Tokyo Dale also preached, led a TMC Members’ Meeting, and finished teaching the last half of his Contemporary Theology modular class this year at Japan Bible Seminary. In addition, TMC held its first children’s blessing event (not to be confused with baby dedication).

The highlight was meeting David & Lina Cheng in-person for the first time. They had arrived with their two children via Hong Kong just a few weeks earlier in order to begin serving as TMC’s full-time Chinese ministries couple. We met with them for orientation to both Tokyo and TMC, as well as to ServeBeyond because they are seconded from SIM Singapore, their sending mission agency. For the next few months we will continue providing them with orientation over zoom a couple times a month. Then after that we will meet with them every 4-6 weeks as we do with most of our ServeBeyond global workers in Asia.
While in Tokyo Dale also preached, led a TMC Members’ Meeting, and finished teaching the last half of his Contemporary Theology modular class this year at Japan Bible Seminary. In addition, TMC held its first children’s blessing event (not to be confused with baby dedication).

Resources for Teaching Kids
21 Jul 2023

Ann set up a curriculum library at Tokyo Multicultural Church for continuing children’s ministry. Over the years she has collected a number of free resources. One such resource is the free “Bible App For Kids” for parents and teachers. It is available for mobile devices (App Store, Google Play, and Amazon Appstore). Presently there are 41 interactive Bible stories available in 66 languages. Children can listen to the Bible story and follow along with the words. Touching the screen brings entertaining animation. In addition, each story comes with an activity to review the story. More information and printable flashcards and coloring pages can be found at this website:
June in Japan
14 Jul 2023

Our first trip to Japan in 2023 was Feb 21 - Mar 9 (3 wks). It was supposed to be 4 weeks but we had to shorten it because we both came down with covid (light symptoms) a few days before our original departure from the US. More about that trip here.
Our second trip was May 30 - Jun 29 (4 wks). We travelled to Tokyo on weekends from our house in northern Japan where we stayed mid-week. So we were able to be in-person at Tokyo Multicultural Church every Sunday in June. Read More…
New Pastoral Couple for TMC English Ministries
25 Apr 2023

On Apr 23 Dale led a TMC Members’ Meeting by zoom from Maine, in which members voted to call Bob & Keiko as TMC's next part-time, bi-vocational English ministries associate pastoral couple. Bob is from Zambia and Keiko from Japan. Keiko had been a missionary in Zambia but they met in Japan while Bob was studying at Tokyo Christian University. They had been in the candidate process since Dec, meeting several times with the Pastoral Search Team and also with Dale & Ann. We are grateful Bob & Keiko accepted the invitation and look forward to onboarding them.
They will join Moto (Japanese ministries pastor) and Kevin (Chinese ministries associate pastor). Lord willing, David & Lina will soon join TMC via Singapore as Chinese ministries full-time pastoral couple. We are thankful for Jon & Laura’s continuing part-time ministry at TMC until their retirement in a few years.
TMC 10th Anniversary
10 Apr 2023

On Easter Sunday Apr 9 TMC celebrated its 10th anniversary! We were back in Maine by then so sent a bilingual English-Japanese video greeting, recalling the early years of launching TMC in our Tokyo apartment complex.
TMC Budget Reduced
06 Mar 2023

On Mar 5 Dale led a Members’ Meeting in-person at TMC in which it was decided to reduce the budget in order to become less dependent on subsidies and help achieve financial stability. Tokyo’s covid restrictions over the past few years have made it financially difficult for the church. TMC’s pastors who need financial support now receive a stipend instead of a salary.
TMC Baptism
26 Feb 2023

On Feb 26 Dale baptized a young TMC lady from South Africa. For preparation Ann & Dale had zoomed with her 5 times. Her testimony of God’s faithfulness was so encouraging! It was also a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with our primary partner church on the west side of Tokyo where we held the baptism, Tokyo Musashino EFC or Musashino Chapel Center, and where we pastored 2008-2010.
TMC Sunday School Restarted
21 Feb 2023

During the fall months of 2022, before moving out of our Tokyo apartment in Dec, Ann had been recruiting a TMC children’s ministry team. In Jan 2023 they were able to re-start a twice month TMC Sunday school. She continues to provide coaching and curriculum for the new team, including bringing Easter resources in our suitcases on our Feb 2023 trip to Tokyo.
Farewell to a TMC Pastoral Couple
31 Jan 2023
Almost 2 years ago we brought aboard a young part-time, bi-vocational pastoral couple for TMC English ministries. But in Nov they resigned because they were too busy with their work and new baby, approaching burn-out. TMC’s leadership team warmly welcomed them to stay at TMC as members as they worked through their new lifestyle without the pastoral component. But in Jan they decided to move on. We wish them God’s best.
Dec 2022 at TMC
26 Dec 2022

Dec 2022 Christmas events at TMC included a children’s event, advent candle lightings, and worship services. No potlucks yet…that’ll need to wait until the new year when Tokyo eases off on covid restrictions for gatherings.
More pictures…
Read More…
Transitions and Finances
06 Oct 2022
Looking toward our future retirement, we plan to transition from in-person church planting leadership at Tokyo Multicultural Church to “coaching from a distance” at the end of 2022. This means moving our primary residence from our apartment in Tokyo to our house in Cape Elizabeth, Maine US (Ann’s hometown), while retaining a secondary residence at our vacation house in northern Japan.
We will continue full-time ministry with ServeBeyond (EFC of Canada) for 2-4 years by (1) overseeing TMC; (2) coordinating ServeBeyond projects in Asia; and (3) continuing to teach theology in Tokyo (Dale). We will also visit our supporting churches in Canada and the US. So we will continue to carry a full-time missionary budget.
However, the way we do these ministries will change. Lord willing, we plan to take 2-3 annual trips of 1-2 months each to Japan and Asia. This will make it possible for us to be at TMC 6-8 Sundays a year and for Dale to teach modular seminary classes twice a year. By keeping a secondary residence in Japan we will be able to reduce our flight costs within Asia for visiting ServeBeyond projects and personnel because our itineraries can originate in Tokyo rather than the US. Read More…
We will continue full-time ministry with ServeBeyond (EFC of Canada) for 2-4 years by (1) overseeing TMC; (2) coordinating ServeBeyond projects in Asia; and (3) continuing to teach theology in Tokyo (Dale). We will also visit our supporting churches in Canada and the US. So we will continue to carry a full-time missionary budget.
However, the way we do these ministries will change. Lord willing, we plan to take 2-3 annual trips of 1-2 months each to Japan and Asia. This will make it possible for us to be at TMC 6-8 Sundays a year and for Dale to teach modular seminary classes twice a year. By keeping a secondary residence in Japan we will be able to reduce our flight costs within Asia for visiting ServeBeyond projects and personnel because our itineraries can originate in Tokyo rather than the US. Read More…
Back in Tokyo for the Fall
22 Sep 2022

Our back and forth across the Pacific Puddle lifestyle can be tiring, but it is always great to get back to in-person church planting ministry at TMC. It’s wonderful to have some babies at TMC and to see some visitors deciding to become regulars!
This fall will be our final months of keeping our Tokyo apartment so we’ll be busy with sorting, throwing stuff, packing and moving in addition to ministry. Starting Jan 2023 we plan to transition to a hybrid remote/in-person ministry at TMC and in Asia, based primarily in Maine USA but also at our vacation house in northern Japan.
TMC is Seeking an English Ministries Missionary Pastor
26 Jul 2022
TMC invites inquiries from a missionary single or couple who…
Interested? ...or know of someone who might be interested? If so, contact Dale.

- will contribute to overall church leadership and vision alongside TMC’s Japanese, English, and Chinese ministries pastors.
- speaks English fluently and has some Japanese language ability.
- holds a Master’s degree or equivalent from an evangelical seminary.
- can unreservedly sign the Evangelical Free Church of Canada “Gospel Truths” statement of faith.
- can supply own financial package as a fully supported or bi-vocational missionary, with the possibility of receiving a small stipend from TMC in the future.
Interested? ...or know of someone who might be interested? If so, contact Dale.

New Pastoral Couple for TMC Chinese Ministries
20 Jul 2022
We praise the Lord for leading David & Lina to TMC through Singapore!
David & Lina are missionary appointees with SIM Singapore. David has worked in Tokyo and speaks Japanese quite well. After that he earned both a Masters and a professional Doctoral degree from a US evangelical seminary’s Chinese language program. His doctoral project was on discipleship. He has been both a pastor and a church planter. Lina has worked for a number of multinational companies with responsibilities in several North Asia countries and speaks excellent English. She does marriage counseling and serves in women’s and children’s ministries at their church.

A TMC Chinese Fellowship gathering, Nov 2021 Read More…
David & Lina are missionary appointees with SIM Singapore. David has worked in Tokyo and speaks Japanese quite well. After that he earned both a Masters and a professional Doctoral degree from a US evangelical seminary’s Chinese language program. His doctoral project was on discipleship. He has been both a pastor and a church planter. Lina has worked for a number of multinational companies with responsibilities in several North Asia countries and speaks excellent English. She does marriage counseling and serves in women’s and children’s ministries at their church.

A TMC Chinese Fellowship gathering, Nov 2021 Read More…
TMC is Seeking a Chinese Ministries Pastoral Couple who...
16 Mar 2022
…will launch Chinese worship services (currently a monthly Chinese fellowship).
…will contribute to overall church leadership and vision alongside TMC’s Japanese and English ministries pastors.
...has a heart for reaching people in greater Tokyo for Christ, both Japanese and expatriates. inter-culturally sensitive and can lead with humility, gentleness, patience, and love (Ephesians 4:2).
...speaks Mandarin and/or Cantonese fluently, English well, and has some Japanese ability.
(See here for more details.)
Interested?...or know of someone who might be interested? If so, contact Dale.
Read More…
…will contribute to overall church leadership and vision alongside TMC’s Japanese and English ministries pastors.
...has a heart for reaching people in greater Tokyo for Christ, both Japanese and expatriates. inter-culturally sensitive and can lead with humility, gentleness, patience, and love (Ephesians 4:2).
...speaks Mandarin and/or Cantonese fluently, English well, and has some Japanese ability.
(See here for more details.)
Interested?...or know of someone who might be interested? If so, contact Dale.

15 Feb 2022
(Updated May 11, 2022 )
Dale & Ann had been planning to transition from their in-person TMC leadership role in mid-2022 and make Cape Elizabeth, Maine (Ann’s hometown) their home base from where they would continue remote/virtual leadership. But for two reasons they have postponed this transition until late 2022. (1) Covid has negatively affected TMC achieving financial stability, with offerings taking a hit in 2020 and 2021. And (2) TMC needs more pastors/missionaries on staff. In addition to Dale & Ann’s planned transition, two other senior missionary households are retiring or stepping down from most leadership roles at TMC in 2022. Although TMC has a Japanese ministries pastor, it needs pastors/missionaries for both English and Chinese ministries because those two ministries are currently led by part-time personnel.
But after they do make this transition they will continue full-time ministry with ServeBeyond (EFCC) for a few years and so continue to carry a full-time missionary budget. Read More…
Dale & Ann had been planning to transition from their in-person TMC leadership role in mid-2022 and make Cape Elizabeth, Maine (Ann’s hometown) their home base from where they would continue remote/virtual leadership. But for two reasons they have postponed this transition until late 2022. (1) Covid has negatively affected TMC achieving financial stability, with offerings taking a hit in 2020 and 2021. And (2) TMC needs more pastors/missionaries on staff. In addition to Dale & Ann’s planned transition, two other senior missionary households are retiring or stepping down from most leadership roles at TMC in 2022. Although TMC has a Japanese ministries pastor, it needs pastors/missionaries for both English and Chinese ministries because those two ministries are currently led by part-time personnel.
But after they do make this transition they will continue full-time ministry with ServeBeyond (EFCC) for a few years and so continue to carry a full-time missionary budget. Read More…
To Maine for the Summer
18 Jul 2021
In mid-June we returned to Maine USA for several months for ongoing medical treatment for Dale. The gradual reduction of medication for his auto-immune disease is going well and he hopes to be off meds later this year. Medical follow-up in Maine will be required every six months for a year or two.
Read More…

New Pastoral Couple for TMC English Ministries
29 Jun 2021
We praise the Lord for leading Lucas & Hannah Chatelain to TMC!

Lucas & Hannah responded to our recruitment email sent to the 1000+ evangelical missionaries in or connected with Japan through the Japan Evangelical Missionary Association. They are both US citizens, and Hannah is also Japanese. Hannah lived in Tokyo until about junior high school age and then moved to the US. They met after finishing their university studies in the US and after coming to Japan in 2011 to serve in different tsunami recovery ministries in northeastern Japan. Then they served with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association for about nine years preparing for and following up after large BGEA gatherings in various countries in Asia. This ministry required moving to a different country every 12-16 months.
In late 2020 they decided to transition from their nomadic BGEA lifestyle to a more settled way of life in Tokyo, where Hannah’s father lives. They wanted to eventually serve in some kind of bi-vocational ministry after finding employment in Tokyo. When they read our TMC recruitment email they realized the Lord might want them in ministry sooner rather than later, so followed up with Dale about serving at TMC. After a few weeks of them getting to know TMC and TMC getting to know them, it became clear that TMC would be a good fit for them. So on May 30 TMC members invited Lucas & Hannah to join TMC staff as our part-time English ministries pastoral couple. About a week later they responded positively.
Lucas & Hannah are uniquely equipped to serve at TMC. Hannah completed her university studies in missions at Toccoa Falls College, Georgia. Lucas has completed two years of graduate online seminary study at Dallas Theological Seminary. He hopes to complete his M.Div. degree at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in the coming years. Much of their prior BGEA ministry has been with international churches in Asia and the UK. They have both demonstrated their team work as Hannah has interpreted from English to Japanese for Lucas when it is his turn to preach at our twice a month joint English/Japanese worship services. Both are 34 yrs. so fit well with our young adults who seem to comprise the majority of TMC. They desire to encourage TMC’ers to share Christ with their family, friends, and colleagues.
We are now praying for and seeking another part-time pastoral couple who can join Lucas & Hannah to form an English ministries pastoral team at TMC.

Lucas & Hannah responded to our recruitment email sent to the 1000+ evangelical missionaries in or connected with Japan through the Japan Evangelical Missionary Association. They are both US citizens, and Hannah is also Japanese. Hannah lived in Tokyo until about junior high school age and then moved to the US. They met after finishing their university studies in the US and after coming to Japan in 2011 to serve in different tsunami recovery ministries in northeastern Japan. Then they served with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association for about nine years preparing for and following up after large BGEA gatherings in various countries in Asia. This ministry required moving to a different country every 12-16 months.
In late 2020 they decided to transition from their nomadic BGEA lifestyle to a more settled way of life in Tokyo, where Hannah’s father lives. They wanted to eventually serve in some kind of bi-vocational ministry after finding employment in Tokyo. When they read our TMC recruitment email they realized the Lord might want them in ministry sooner rather than later, so followed up with Dale about serving at TMC. After a few weeks of them getting to know TMC and TMC getting to know them, it became clear that TMC would be a good fit for them. So on May 30 TMC members invited Lucas & Hannah to join TMC staff as our part-time English ministries pastoral couple. About a week later they responded positively.
Lucas & Hannah are uniquely equipped to serve at TMC. Hannah completed her university studies in missions at Toccoa Falls College, Georgia. Lucas has completed two years of graduate online seminary study at Dallas Theological Seminary. He hopes to complete his M.Div. degree at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in the coming years. Much of their prior BGEA ministry has been with international churches in Asia and the UK. They have both demonstrated their team work as Hannah has interpreted from English to Japanese for Lucas when it is his turn to preach at our twice a month joint English/Japanese worship services. Both are 34 yrs. so fit well with our young adults who seem to comprise the majority of TMC. They desire to encourage TMC’ers to share Christ with their family, friends, and colleagues.
We are now praying for and seeking another part-time pastoral couple who can join Lucas & Hannah to form an English ministries pastoral team at TMC.
Laying Plans for Passing the Baton at TMC
15 Mar 2021
We have decided it is time to pass the TMC baton.
So TMC’s leadership team has given Dale the green light to recruit someone to lead English language ministries alongside TMC’s Japanese language ministries pastor. We are looking for a missionary or pastor with some ability in the Japanese language and who has a heart for reaching people in Tokyo for Christ, both Japanese and expatriates. Oh yes, and they will need to be financially supported! TMC has only a small stipend for them.
When the Lord leads us to such a person or couple (hopefully by spring 2022 or earlier) we plan to move our primary residence from our apartment in Tokyo to our house in Maine USA. From there we would continue some level of remote/virtual ministry at TMC such as administration and children/ladies ministry—if that is what the church desires.
In addition…
Read More…Tokyo Multicultural Church Ministries
25 Feb 2021
We are so pleased that in the midst of the pandemic the Lord is sustaining our TMC ministries and raising up a few new ones.
We are thankful for the following language-specific ministries that are providing avenues for Jesus to transform lives:- WORSHIP services on the first and third Sundays of the month are in both English and Japanese, through interpretation. Separate English and Japanese worship services meet on the remaining Sundays.
- CHINESE FELLOWSHIP meets one Sunday afternoon a month for Bible study and fellowship. TMC hopes to eventually add a Chinese Mandarin worship service to our current English and Japanese language worship services.
- SMALL GROUPS meet twice a month to discuss the sermon from that Sunday using discussion questions prepared by the preacher. We currently have one Japanese and two English groups.
- PRAYER MEETINGS are held weekly in English and Japanese. The focus is on praying for one another and TMC. Prayer items from TMC members and attenders are compiled monthly in English.
- BIBLE STUDIES meet three times a week in Japanese and once a week in English.
- CHILDREN enjoy a monthly “Wakuwaku (exciting) Family Time” Bible story and craft in English and Japanese.
- LADIES connect in English through a monthly newsletter that includes a short Bible devotional and one lady’s testimony, as well as through a social media group.
- YOUNG ADULTS gather monthly for games and Bible discussion in English. Young adults are under the age of 40.
Return to Tokyo, then Quarantine
07 Jan 2021
God has been good to us!
We have seen him at work in our life and ministry. On Dec. 26 we completed our six-month US home assignment and returned to Tokyo, arriving on Dec. 27, and then entered a 14-day quarantine. Our travel from Maine to Tokyo was not uneventful but we sensed the Lord’s presence as we jumped over each hurdle. Lord willing, we will very soon once again dive into in-person church planting ministry and leadership.

Home Assignment in Maine USA, scheduled for Jul-Nov
19 Jun 2020

Lord willing, on July 17 we begin our scheduled fall home assignment based in Maine. We plan to visit our supporting churches in the eastern US while Dale receives US-based treatment for his recently diagnosed disease: polymyalgia rheumatica. We will continue our church planting leadership of Tokyo Multicultural Church while in the US. Read More…
Dale's Health, COVID-19, and Ministry Implications
13 Apr 2020

2019 Tokyo Multicultural Church Christmas
23 Dec 2019

Christmas Sunday December 22 at TMC featured a joint English-Japanese worship service followed by potluck, Christmas caroling in the nearby park and train stations (practice pictured above), and then some Christmas games back at TMC to end the celebration.
TMC Monthly "Wakuwaku" Family Time Launched
09 Dec 2019

9:30am Sunday school was not reaching enough children associated with TMC, so in October Ann started a new TMC ministry to children and their parents. She calls it “Wakuwaku (exciting, thrilling) Family Time.” Read More…
TMC Japanese Language Worship Service Launched Oct 2019
14 Oct 2019

Under the leadership of Pastor Motomichi Harada we launched TMC’s Japanese language worship service on Oct 13. Now on Sundays other than the first Sunday of the month our Japanese service is at 9:30am and English at 11:00am. On the first Sundays of the month we hold a joint English-Japanese service with communion followed by potluck.
Summer 2019 TMC Outreach English
30 Jul 2019

Once again we held summer outreach English classes to help us connect with Japanese people in our area of Tokyo. Five volunteers (two couples and one single) from three EFC of America churches taught classes Mon-Fri July 22-26. Nine young children with their moms (and sometimes dads) joined our morning children’s classes and ten adults attended evening classes. All except one of the children were new to TMC. Read More…
Pastor Motomichi Harada Joins TMC Staff
26 Apr 2019

For a number of years we have requested prayer for future TMC leaders, including someone who could focus on our Japanese Department. Resulting from a chain of divine encounters, Pastor Moto was introduced to us by one of our TMC Japanese couples in Dec. 2018. Discussion with him progressed quickly and naturally so that in March 2019 TMC voted to invite him to help lead our Japanese Department alongside Duane Dietze (ReachGlobal TMC staff member) and he joined us in April. Read More…
Easter Family Festival, April 2019
19 Apr 2019

We hosted our second annual Easter Family Festival at TMC on Sunday afternoon April 14. The lively gathering of about 12 children plus their moms and dads generated lots of happy noise. We celebrated Resurrection Sunday with singing, crafts, cupcakes, Easter baskets, and best of all were able to share the Bible story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Easter shows up in Japan in commercial decorations and food, but the resurrection meaning is missing. Read More…
TMC Christmas 2018
24 Dec 2018

TMC Christmas Sunday worship service on Dec 23 included Christmas carols and Japanese interpretation of the English sermon. After enjoying a potluck lunch some TMCers went caroling at our nearby park and train stations while offering gift bags for children. Read More…
TMC Family Christmas 2018
08 Dec 2018

Ann led our family Christmas event on Dec 16, with the help of a number of TMCers. She had lost her voice due to a virus a few weeks earlier and was still recovering, so she was delighted with all the help.
18 children (27 were invited), 10 moms, and 5 dads showed up. It was very noisy and chaotic at times, but it was happy noise and chaos! The children watched a Christmas segment of the Super Book video in Japanese with subtitles in English. A TV channel in Japan is showing Super Book segments on Sunday mornings in Nov and Dec.
One of our TMC mothers who lives in our neighborhood near TMC invited two of her friends who are also moms. One was able to attend. It was the first time for this mom and her children to be at TMC. We hope they will be able to come again in order to hear about Jesus.
TMC American Thanksgiving 2018
25 Nov 2018

Our American Thanksgiving dinner at TMC was Nov 25, aligning with a national Japanese holiday. Janet D., an Overseas Missionary Fellowship missionary who attends TMC, gave a biblical perspective in Japanese on giving thanks. We were pleased that one lady in Ann’s English class came for the first time to this TMC non-English event.
A TMC Farewell
01 Nov 2018

We are thankful for the many happy memories of O-san, especially at our fall retreat just days before he died, where the pic was taken.
We are more thankful that his wife and grown daughters share in the hope of resurrection and eternal life in Jesus Christ. Mr. O. attended TMC but the rest of his family are at a different church. We were able to hold a TMC fellowship time for them and many from TMC were able to share their fond memories of him to encourage them.
We look forward to a grand reunion in heaven.
Revelation 21:4— He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
First TMC Retreat
01 Oct 2018
What a treat to get away to a beautiful area near Tokyo with our church family! We’re quite sure this is going to become a TMC tradition.

TMC Summer 2018 Outreach English (2)
19 Jun 2018
TMC’s July 23-27 outreach English classes have been cancelled because of lack of short term teachers. The good news is that we have some possibilities for teachers next summer (2019)!
Alternatively... Read More…
TMC's 5th Anniversary
23 Apr 2018

TOKYO MULTICULTURAL CHURCH quietly turned 5 years old on April 8, the Sunday after Easter. Thus the many hands showing five fingers in the above pic. We (Dale & Ann) launched TMC on Sunday Apr 7, 2013 in our apartment complex’s meeting room with eight people in attendance, including a core group of six. Read More…
Jon and Laura's Wedding Reception
04 Mar 2018

As a widower, Jon Prins returned to Japan in 2016 with ServeBeyond (EFC of Canada) to join TMC’s church planting team. He and his former wife had been church planters in Japan for many years with ReachGlobal (EFC of America). In 2018 Jon married Laura Shannon who had been in Japan with ReachGlobal and then with ServeBeyond. We hosted a TMC wedding reception for them in March.
TMC Summer 2018 Outreach English (1)
28 Feb 2018

TMC is looking for 3-5 teachers for this summer’s outreach English conversation classes, July 23-27, with teacher arrival in Tokyo on July 20 and departure on July 31. Read More…
First TMC Membership Meeting
26 Jan 2018
At TMC’s first membership meeting it was decided to share testimonies during worship services twice a month, start some Sunday afternoon small groups once a month, and add a second worship service that would be in Japanese when we reach the seating limits of our rental facility (probably about 50 people).
We hope members will take increasing responsibility in decision making as TMC defines and refines its leadership structure. Membership meetings will probably be held 2-3 times a year, with non-members usually invited as observers.
The Lord has financially provided for TMC’s rental facility through the giving of Sunday worshippers and the financial partners who have contributed to our ongoing TMC Fund within our EFCCM Ministry Enhancement Fund. The purpose of the TMC Fund is to cover a gradually decreasing portion of TMC’s rental facility costs during the church’s early years as TMC gradually takes on full responsibility for covering those costs. We are thankful that by the end of 2017 TMC attenders were covering almost all of TMC’s monthly rental facility costs! If we don’t need the TMC Fund for TMC#1 in 2018 we hope to use it to begin building TMC#2’s launch fund.

We hope members will take increasing responsibility in decision making as TMC defines and refines its leadership structure. Membership meetings will probably be held 2-3 times a year, with non-members usually invited as observers.
The Lord has financially provided for TMC’s rental facility through the giving of Sunday worshippers and the financial partners who have contributed to our ongoing TMC Fund within our EFCCM Ministry Enhancement Fund. The purpose of the TMC Fund is to cover a gradually decreasing portion of TMC’s rental facility costs during the church’s early years as TMC gradually takes on full responsibility for covering those costs. We are thankful that by the end of 2017 TMC attenders were covering almost all of TMC’s monthly rental facility costs! If we don’t need the TMC Fund for TMC#1 in 2018 we hope to use it to begin building TMC#2’s launch fund.

TMC Family Christmas 2017
26 Dec 2017

On Sun afternoon Dec 17 we held our annual TMC Family Christmas event. We welcomed parents and children from our Sunday school, our apartment complex, 2017 summer English program, and Ann’s “Moms and Tots” English class. We shared the story of the first Christmas and sang Christmas songs. TMC young adults taught games and crafts, and served refreshments. It was a lot of fun and we value the personal connections we are making with each family. Read More…
TMC American Thanksgiving Meal 2017
27 Nov 2017
Japanese Interpretation at TMC
15 Oct 2017

This brings us a step closer to launching TMC’s Japanese language worship service.
TMC Chinese Department Launched!
29 Sep 2017

TMC is indeed moving toward creating intentional space for the multiple cultures and languages the Lord is bringing to TMC—China, Hong Kong, Macau, India, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, UK, USA, Canada, etc.—while at the same time reaching out locally in Japanese.
TMC Japanese Sunday School Launched!
15 Sep 2017

TMC’s worship service is in English so we have been planning ways to incorporate other languages in our regular Sunday events. Ann’s children’s Sunday school in Japanese is one such non-English event, along with our weekly adult Japanese Bible study taught by Duane. This month we are also planning to begin a monthly Sunday afternoon Chinese language fellowship, led by Kevin. And we are moving toward launching a Japanese language worship service on Sundays, perhaps initially with a few months of Japanese translation during our current English worship service.
TMC Summer Outreach English
20 Aug 2017

JEMA Presidency Turnover
02 Apr 2017

Our leadership team has enjoyed numerous lighter moments!
Read More…
Mid-Home Assignment Tokyo Visit
18 Mar 2017

It was great to be back at TMC for a few Sundays!
We also renewed our Tokyo Multicultural Church rental facility contract for another three years, filed our Japanese taxes, said good-bye to our one year short term missionary Alicia who returns to Ottawa Canada in April, and welcomed Kevin & Grace from the Evangelical Free Church of Macao to our TMC missionary staff.
The portion of our Ministry Enhancement Fund that is set aside for TMC has been helpful in encouraging TMC toward full financial independence from the EFCCM, covering the shortfall of our TMC facility rent that is not handled by the offerings of TMC worshippers. We hope that by the end of this year TMC offerings will fully cover our facility rental costs so that TMC will no longer need to access our Ministry Enhancement Fund, allowing us to set aside some of those funds for launching TMC#2 in the next few years.
Children's Christmas at TMC
11 Dec 2016

For several hours 13 children and 17 moms & dads, along with half a dozen TMC helpers, celebrated Christmas. Of the 13 children, 9 came as a result of Ann and Alicia’s “moms and tots” outreach English classes, 1 was from our apartment complex, and 3 were children of TMCers.
The children’s Christmas party included games, singing, Bible story, and snacks. An impressive moment was when all the children waited to eat their home made cookies until they had said a simple prayer that Ann teaches during her children’s English classes.
Several adults heard the Bible-based Christmas story for the first time. Two moms asked Dale, “May I come to TMC on Sundays?”!
Aligning with TMC’s multicultural focus, 4 of the children have at least one parent who is Chinese. And given the 6 Chinese speakers in our morning worship service, we are hoping to launch our Chinese (Mandarin) Department in some fashion in 2017.
2nd TMC Baby Dedication
08 Dec 2016

Baby Ray seemed right at home, falling asleep in Dale’s arms during the pastoral prayer on Sun Dec 4.
Born to loving parents who are TMC members from Japan and Bangladesh, we know that baby Ray will have many opportunities to be nurtured in the love and obedience of Jesus Christ.
American Thanksgiving at TMC
23 Nov 2016
In our TMC multicultural setting, it is possible to have several options for a Thanksgiving date. But US Thanksgiving, which was Nov 24 this year, is closest to the Nov 23 Japanese national holiday.
TMC Halloween Alternative
09 Nov 2016

But as an alternative to Halloween, on Oct 31 Ann threw a party for TMC’s Moms and Tots outreach English classes that would focus on animals of the Bible’s Noah narrative. The kids and their moms donned monkey masks, had fun playing animal games, learned about Noah and his ark full of animals, played in a model of the ark made from large cardboard boxes, and enjoyed some snacks.
For a first time event at TMC, this was fun! It provided another opportunity to share the Scriptures and develop personal relationships with young moms. Maybe Ann will do it again next year!
TMC Vision Visits
03 Nov 2016
Two churches have visited Tokyo Multicultural Church in the past few months, desiring to deepen their understanding of TMC and possibly partner with TMC in clothing the gospel with community (church planting).
Alicia Lim’s home church, Ottawa Chinese Bible Church, sent a team of young people to teach outreach English classes for one week at Soka EFC in late July and early Aug. We had an opportunity to lead them on a prayer walk in Sumida-ku, the area around TMC. The prayer walk ended with a meal at TMC and a time of sharing TMC’s vision. Read More…
Alicia Lim’s home church, Ottawa Chinese Bible Church, sent a team of young people to teach outreach English classes for one week at Soka EFC in late July and early Aug. We had an opportunity to lead them on a prayer walk in Sumida-ku, the area around TMC. The prayer walk ended with a meal at TMC and a time of sharing TMC’s vision. Read More…
1st TMC Baby Dedication
01 Oct 2016
Jon Returns To TMC
27 Apr 2016

Alicia Joins Our TMC Team
26 Mar 2016

Read More…
New Financial Project
30 Dec 2015
In addition to our ongoing TMC Fund within our Ministry Enhancement Fund we are now seeking donations for the following one-time project: Read More…
TMC Christmas 2015
28 Dec 2015
It was a good Christmas at Tokyo Multicultural Church!
Ann’s “Little Lambs” party for her moms and tots English class brought out 8 tots and 11 parents on December 19. Read More…

Back At TMC After Home Assignment!
12 Dec 2015
It was good to visit some of our supporting churches during our Oct-Nov home assignment. But it also feels great to be back at TMC!
We have enjoyed reconnecting with our TMCers…

and getting ready for TMC Christmas events.

We have enjoyed reconnecting with our TMCers…

and getting ready for TMC Christmas events.

Summer 2015 English (2)
02 Aug 2015

Summer 2015 English (1)
29 Jul 2015

Visit From EFCC leaders
08 Jun 2015
EFC of Canada leaders Bill Taylor (EFCC Executive Director) and Melvin Sayer (EFCC Mission Asia Director) visited TMC on June 7. Read More…
TMC’s 2nd Birthday
05 Apr 2015

TMC Sign And Logo
13 Mar 2015

One of our talented young adults from China, an architect working in Shinjuku Tokyo, volunteered to help us with a logo design and soon started doodling. With input from the rest of us, she eventually designed a great TMC logo! Read More…
TMC Little Lambs English Circle
09 Feb 2015

Little Lambs English Circle classes include English teaching and songs for 2-3 year olds, as well as a Bible story. Lilly (from Taiwan) is helping Ann. Lilly and her husband Soshi (from Japan) have joined TMC for 9 months before they move back to Torrance California. Read More…
Second Christmas at TMC (2014)
22 Dec 2014
TMC Kids Christmas Events 2014
20 Dec 2014

TMC Japanese Department Launched
10 Sep 2014

Duane Dietze leads our new Japanese Department. Read More…
TMC First Summer English Classes
01 Sep 2014

Jon Prins from Watertown EFC (Minnesota) was also able to join us. He preached both Sundays at TMC, helped with making meals, and began writing an orientation manual for future TMC short term teams. Jon is raising financial support to return full time to Japan as part of our TMC staff.
TMC’s 1st Birthday
15 Apr 2014

We are still quite "bare bones" when it comes to furnishings, but one person has already "discovered" TMC because we moved into our own facility.
May the Lord gather his scattered peoples in order to bless Tokyo with the gospel. And may Jesus Christ be pleased to build his church as we plant TMC.
First Christmas at TMC (2013)
09 Dec 2013
TMC Facility Search
26 Oct 2013
By early October, we thought we had found a perfect place for TMC to rent. It was spacious, bright, and within a 7 minute walk of our target train station (Kinshicho).
But… Read More…
But… Read More…
First TMC Retreat
13 Sep 2013

Getting away from Tokyo is just what the doctor ordered!
We held our first TMC retreat on the weekend of Aug 23-25 near Sendai in Miyagi-ken at "Takayama by the Sea,” House No.2. We did some TMC vision casting, held worship together, and had lots of fun.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could do this every year near the end of August!
TMC At Four Months
12 Aug 2013
We are thankful for a good beginning for Tokyo Multicultural Church. This church planting project is shaping up to be the most enjoyable of our missionary career.
We are thankful for a Sunday room we can rent for four hours or more every Sunday, right in our apartment complex. Typically in Japan, a rental room cannot be used for “religious” purposes. But after explaining in detail why we wanted to rent the room (Bible teaching, singing, outreach, etc.), our apartment manager assured us that we were more like a “circle” or “group” than a “religion.” So since April he has enthusiastically rented the room to us. We didn’t argue! The cost: only $2 per hour! Even after we move into a long term facility rental nearby, we will probably continue to use this rental room for some aspects of our church program.
Our core group we began with on April 7 has seen some change with both additions and subtractions. Six of us are regulars, with about that many again who come periodically. Here is a quote from one recent multicultural visitor from Tokyo, not referring to the summer heat:
Even while we ask the Lord to lead us to people whose hearts the Spirit of God has prepared for the gospel, he is sending us leaders.
Jon Prins, a former missionary colleague returning to Japan as a missionary with the EFC of Canada Mission, will be joining our TMC leadership team as soon as his financial support is raised. He will provide intercultural insight and leadership.
Two interns from Tokyo Christian University, one from the EFC of Macao and the other from the EFC of Germany, will be joining us on Sundays for one year beginning September. As we encourage them in the development of their spiritual gifts, we are looking forward to their contribution in helping us plant TMC.
Yet another former colleague of ours in Japan, serving with ReachGlobal (EFCA), is seeking the Lord's guidance about joining our TMC leadership team. If he comes, his focus will be on developing our Japanese language worship service.
Our small group of TMCers have been joyfully contributing to the financial needs of TMC. We do not collect an offering during our worship services. Instead, contributions are placed in an offering box any time on Sundays. Donations from within Japan can also be made online. We now have enough funds on hand to rent a long term facility.

We are thankful for a Sunday room we can rent for four hours or more every Sunday, right in our apartment complex. Typically in Japan, a rental room cannot be used for “religious” purposes. But after explaining in detail why we wanted to rent the room (Bible teaching, singing, outreach, etc.), our apartment manager assured us that we were more like a “circle” or “group” than a “religion.” So since April he has enthusiastically rented the room to us. We didn’t argue! The cost: only $2 per hour! Even after we move into a long term facility rental nearby, we will probably continue to use this rental room for some aspects of our church program.
Our core group we began with on April 7 has seen some change with both additions and subtractions. Six of us are regulars, with about that many again who come periodically. Here is a quote from one recent multicultural visitor from Tokyo, not referring to the summer heat:
"I felt very warm and comfortable at TMC!"
Even while we ask the Lord to lead us to people whose hearts the Spirit of God has prepared for the gospel, he is sending us leaders.
Jon Prins, a former missionary colleague returning to Japan as a missionary with the EFC of Canada Mission, will be joining our TMC leadership team as soon as his financial support is raised. He will provide intercultural insight and leadership.
Two interns from Tokyo Christian University, one from the EFC of Macao and the other from the EFC of Germany, will be joining us on Sundays for one year beginning September. As we encourage them in the development of their spiritual gifts, we are looking forward to their contribution in helping us plant TMC.
Yet another former colleague of ours in Japan, serving with ReachGlobal (EFCA), is seeking the Lord's guidance about joining our TMC leadership team. If he comes, his focus will be on developing our Japanese language worship service.
Our small group of TMCers have been joyfully contributing to the financial needs of TMC. We do not collect an offering during our worship services. Instead, contributions are placed in an offering box any time on Sundays. Donations from within Japan can also be made online. We now have enough funds on hand to rent a long term facility.
First Sundays At TMC
24 Apr 2013
Our first three Sundays at TMC provide a glimpse of what we mean by "Christ centered, Bible based, disciple making church for all nations." Read More…
TMC Send Off From MCC, 2013
03 Apr 2013

Our Tokyo Multicultural Church (TMC) core group of six people (including Dale and Ann) were commissioned during the March 31 Easter Sunday worship service at the English Department of Musashino Chapel Center (MCC).
Pastor Howard Plucar outlined the birth of the idea of TMC about six years ago at MCC, MCC's formal decision to become the primary church partner of TMC three years ago, and now finally the launching of TMC. Several members of the MCC board then blessed the TMC core group by praying for us.
TMC will continue a close relationship with MCC. But we launch our own worship services on April 7.
Our TMC core group has met about five times at our apartment in February and March for planning and praying. We are finalizing the last minute details in preparation for launch Sunday. We plan to eventually have several language-specific congregations, but will begin with an English worship service. Ann's children's Bible story during the service will be translated into Japanese. Dale will preach in English through simultaneous interpretation into Japanese, and his sermon notes will be projected in both English and Japanese. Our morning worship will be followed by lunch (bought at nearby stores) and a discussion centered on the morning's Biblical content.

The Lord has miraculously supplied a Sunday room rental for TMC, right in the apartment complex where we live. When we rented our apartment in January, we did not dream we could use the meeting room of the apartment complex for launching TMC, and hardly dared to ask for it. But after getting to know the manager of the complex, we did ask him about it. Much to our surprise, he seemed almost eager to rent it to us on Sundays! He has even given us permission to put up posters throughout the complex (250 units)!
Ann and Dale's Transition To Tokyo, Jan 2013
05 Feb 2013
In late January we moved from Sendai back to Tokyo in order to launch TOKYO MULTICULTURAL CHURCH, the church planting vision we have nurtured for four years.
So during January Dale focused on renting an apartment in Sumida-ku, teaching his last modular class of the year on Contemporary Theology at Japan Bible Seminary, and as voluntary President of Japan Evangelical Missionary Association leading board meetings and planning sessions in preparation for JEMA's annual consultation and business meetings Feb 25-27. We were able to move out of our Sendai apartment on Jan 28 and into our Tokyo apartment on Jan 30. We will be unpacking cardboard boxes and getting settled in for the next month or so--all the while trying to carry on ministry. Read More…
So during January Dale focused on renting an apartment in Sumida-ku, teaching his last modular class of the year on Contemporary Theology at Japan Bible Seminary, and as voluntary President of Japan Evangelical Missionary Association leading board meetings and planning sessions in preparation for JEMA's annual consultation and business meetings Feb 25-27. We were able to move out of our Sendai apartment on Jan 28 and into our Tokyo apartment on Jan 30. We will be unpacking cardboard boxes and getting settled in for the next month or so--all the while trying to carry on ministry. Read More…