Second Christmas at TMC (2014)

TMC Kids Christmas Events 2014

2014_12_13 SBC
We joined with Sumida Bible Church for children’s Christmas outreach events on two Saturdays in December, building upon our local ministry partnership with that church. Read More…

Church Planting and the Heavenly City

The opening pages of the Bible depict a rural context and the closing pages a city. This means we are on a journey toward a heavenly city.

Now, when we think of cities, we imagine masses of people—and that might not thrill us. But this future city will be very different than our cities. For example, one central feature of the heavenly city is its river, which flows down the main street. On both of its banks is planted the single tree of life (Rev. 22:1-2). So this city built by God seems much like a garden. It is qualitatively different from any city we have seen. Read More…

TMC Japanese Department Launched

On September 7 we launched our Japanese Department at Tokyo Multicultural Church by dividing into English and Japanese language groups for the sermon or Bible study time during the middle of the service. The joint part of the service includes singing in English and Japanese as well as children’s Bible stories mostly in English. This is our first step toward a Japanese language worship service, hopefully in the next few years.

Duane Dietze leads our new Japanese Department. Read More…

TMC First Summer English Classes

Chie from Cayucos Community Church (California) and Nanette from First EFC of Maine taught classes at Tokyo Multicultural Church and Sumida Bible Church, July 28 – August 1. Between the two churches we had 16 students, with only one out of the total of five classes at TMC. We are thankful for our relationship with Sumida Bible Church and were happy to share our teachers with them.

Jon Prins from Watertown EFC (Minnesota) was also able to join us. He preached both Sundays at TMC, helped with making meals, and began writing an orientation manual for future TMC short term teams. Jon is raising financial support to return full time to Japan as part of our TMC staff.

TMC’s 1st Birthday

TMC AT ONE YEAR: April 6, 2014, was the first anniversary of Tokyo Multicultural Church. Our 1st birthday present was a rental facility. The Lord's timing was perfect! We had been searching and praying for a rental for months, and experienced numerous rental application rejections because we are a church. But the Lord orchestrated events so that we could hold our first worship service in our new rental facility on our first anniversary.

We are still quite "bare bones" when it comes to furnishings, but one person has already "discovered" TMC because we moved into our own facility.

May the Lord gather his scattered peoples in order to bless Tokyo with the gospel. And may Jesus Christ be pleased to build his church as we plant TMC.