Teaching Theology in Japan and Canada

In June 2017 Dale began his 15th year of teaching his one semester Contemporary Theology course in Japanese at Japan Bible Seminary (Tokyo). He encourages his students to critically grasp the breadth of Christian theology, with a special emphasis on evangelical theology. He now teaches this course on a modular basis, with one set of classes at the beginning of the semester (June) and another at the end (October), thus reducing his commuting time and increasing flexibility for his students.

In the fall of 2016 Dale taught Church Planting Theology at ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University (greater Vancouver), live-streamed from Tokyo Multicultural Church. The course was divided into three sections: Church Planting and Biblical Theology, Church Planting and Systematic Theology, and Church Planting and Missiology. Dale is now in discussion with Zondervan/HarperCollins about publishing a book based on this course. The tentative title is "God’s Ecclesial Mission: Theological Perspectives on Cross-Cultural Church Planting.” More on Dale’s writings about church planting theology here: http://www.itheology.net/cptheo/.