Primary financial resources for our ServeBeyond ministries of church planting, theological education, and Asia Regional Coordinating come from churches and individuals who choose to financially support our missionary work. They donate toward our Ministry Budget or Ministry Expansion Fund, or both.


ServeBeyond account #2-2280

Our foundational Ministry Budget covers salary, housing, retirement contribution, ministry expenses (travel, office supplies, materials, internet, phone, etc.), medical insurance, ServeBeyond allocation (15%), ReachGlobal allocation on funds donated through them (5%), etc.

2023 Budget
Our financial support team fully met our 2023 budget of CAD131,291 (about USD96,000). Praise the Lord!

2024 Budget
Our 2024 income fell short of our 2024 budget of CAD143,867 (about USD99,600). Income was CAD128,047 (USD88,700). We made up the difference by postponing some ministry expense claims and taking a voluntary salary reduction.

2025 Budget
Our 2025 budget is CAD$132,613 (about US91,800) or CAD$11,051/mo (about USD7650/mo). The decrease from 2024 to about our 2023 level is due to the possibility of reducing our trips to Asia from three times a year to twice a year in 2025 (or taking the cost of a third trip from a different account), as well as voluntarily reducing our salary.

A big THANK YOU to our support team for continuing to partner financially with us!

If you are not a part of our financial support team and would like to join, you may do so here: efcc.ca/donate/asia/tmc-little.


ServeBeyond account #2-2302

Goal: up to CAN$1000 per month.

This fund provides a subsidy for launching and establishing Tokyo Multicultural Church.

A new church struggles with facility rental costs. In Tokyo those costs include damage deposit and realtor fees (4-6 months of rent), remodeling, ongoing monthly rent, and contract renewal (2-3 months of rent). TMC’s rental costs, including utilities, are about CA$3000/mo (US$2100).

Another important financial responsibility for a new church in Tokyo is taking care of its pastoral staff. TMC uses a model of multiple pastors/ missionaries with a stipend available for those who need it. Those who have completed their seminary education can receive JPY100,000/mo and those who have not yet done so JPY50,000/mo.

In 2024 TMC’s budget included one JPY100,000 stipend and two JPY50,000 stipends, coming to a total of JPY200,000/mo. Lord willing, at some point in 2025 one more JPY100,000 stipend will be added.

Furthermore, in 2025 TMC will likely be expanding its rental facility because the 3F of the rental facility has become available. Currently TMC rents the entire 1F. Renting both the 1F and the 3F will provide the space now needed for an increasing Sunday attendance, both adults and children (PTL!). This will probably add JPY120,000/mo to TMC’s facility costs, as well as initial contract fees.

So in 2025 we anticipate TMC needing to access this church planting fund.

Thank you for considering partnering with us by contributing to TMC’s Ministry Expansion Fund!

You can do so here: efcc.ca/donate/asia/tmc.
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Donations to our ServeBeyond ministry can be routed through the Evangelical Free Church of Canada (EFCC) or ReachGlobal (EFC of America international mission).

ServeBeyond/EFCC applies a 15% allocation fee to each donation. ReachGlobal/EFCA assesses 5% for funds routed through them. So if you are resident in the US and do not need a US tax deductible receipt (e.g., you are a church), then it is most effective to route your donations to our ministry directly through ServeBeyond.

Personal gifts given through either the EFCC or the EFCA will become donations to our ministry account and cannot be used for our personal purposes.

Giving through Canada

Drop down menu information:
2-2280 LITTLE, Dale & Ann” is the account number for our foundational ServeBeyond Ministry Account (ministry budget).
2-2302 Little Ministry Expansion Fund” is our Tokyo Multicultural Church Startup fund.

Or donate by contacting the EFCC:
Box 850 Langley Stn. LCD 1
Langley, BC V3A 8S6 CANADA
TEL 604-513-2183 or 877-305-3322
(From the EFCC: "Spending of funds is confined to organization approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution designated towards an organization approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that, when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most.”)

Giving through USA

In the DESIGNATION box insert: "Dale & Ann Little, ServeBeyond."
If your donation is for our Tokyo Multicultural Church Startup fund please use this contact form to tell us. We will then be able to track your contribution through the system. Otherwise, your donation will be automatically applied to our foundational ServeBeyond Ministry Account.

Or donate by contacting ReachGlobal:
901 East 78th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55420 USA
TEL 1-800-745-2202